20. Her grey-eyed devil

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Music was pumping out of the speakers and people were dancing incredibly close to each other. Helios gestured that we should go and get drinks and pulled me behind him. The last time I was here, the kitchen area was spotless but now it was decorated with a variety of drinks, most of them being alcohol.

"What do you want to drink?" Helios asked waving a hand at the selection. I wasn't ready to get drunk and make a fool of myself so decided to go with the safer option.

"Just Fanta if there's any."

While Helios poured out our drinks, I began scanning the room until I caught the eyes of a certain blonde. Marcia started making her way towards us like a bull. If it was drunk and wearing clothes that covered less than 50% of her body. I tried to shuffle out of her pathway but she was quicker. She grabbed onto my arm and jutted her finger at my chest.

"I... I don't li-like you. All talk-talking to my boyfriend. He's mine. Mine! Stay a-away from him, wh*re!" Marcia raised her arm as if to slap me but dropped it and grabbed onto Helios once she noticed him.

"Heyy. I'm M-Marcia. Heard of me? Of course you have. Me and you should have some fun, if you know what I mean." She appeared to attempt to wink at him but ended up shutting both eyes. Her hand wondered to his crotch and Helios moved her hand immediately.

Marcia shrugged. "Your loss." She then stumbled off, knocking people out of the way. Helios' face mirrored my disgust.

"That was..." he began.

"Terrible. Revolting. Disgraceful. Take your pick," I finished for him. He threw his head back in laughter and threw his cup straight into the bin. We sat down on one of the sofas that wasn't occupied.

"So, Helios, how does it feel to win your first game?" I questioned him as if we were in a fake interview.

"Good, especially because we get an after party rather than going over why we lost."

"How come you guys can do this?" I pointed to the crowd dancing to Jumpman by Drake.

"Well, the party is invite only so not everyone can come and Hadrian is more or less royalty being an angel and all."

I paused."Wait. You know?"

"What? Hadrian being an angel? Everyone knows."

I didn't know whether to be shocked or annoyed. So Hadrian sent me on a wild goose chase for something I could've asked anyone... F*cking great.

"So there's no curse either, huh?" I said resigned.

"What curse?" Helios raised an eyebrow in confusion then his face became amused. "Did he ask you to find out what he is?"

I nodded because there was no use lying. He could tell by my reddened cheeks. Helios put his arms around me in a comforting manner.

"Dont feel bad little Ree. Hadrian's done this to everyone in our team." An image of the football team looking through books to find out Hadrian's heritage made me burst into a fit of giggles. Helios grinned at my laughter. "See? You're not the only one."

A shadow loomed over us and I looked up to see the angel himself. He glanced at Helios' arm around me then turned to his fellow team mate.

"Matt asked if you could bring your phone so he can play some more songs."

Helios got up and smiled at me apologetically leaving me with Hadrian. He watched Helios disappear into the crowd then dragged a chair to sit in front of me.

"How's the party?" He asked, his lips forming into the usual smirk. The same lips which touched Marcia. I folded my arms and found a new interest in my heels.

"Montero. Rhea." Hadrian waved his hand in front of my face. I whacked it away and began humming to the music to blank him. "You like it rough? Didn't expect that."

My eyes widened in horror. "What the hell?"

"Oh, hello to you too." He pulled a bottle of something from his pocket and took a swing. I got up to get away from him but he stopped me by holding my my hand. I stared at our hands then at his face which for a split second looked mournful.

"What did I do, Rhea?" He whispered but was still some how audible to me. I wanted to say nothing but I felt compelled to tell him.

"You lied to me."

"About what exactly?"

"You made it seem like your heritage was a big mystery."

"I didn't lie though. I wouldn't. Not to you." I noticed that he hadn't moved to let go of my hand.

Suddenly, a guy who I saw promoting chess club in the hallways, interrupted.

"Hade! Bad news."

"What now, Peter?" Hadrian said annoyed.

"Noah's here."


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