22. Gone with the wind

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Rhea POV

Hadrian had been suspended for a week. Well, that was what the rumours were saying. Did I miss him? I shouldn't have as we had only spoken to each other a few times but I felt off and Pia noticed it.

"What's wrong Ree?" Pia whispered to me during our English lesson. We were copying notes off the board so the teacher's back was turned to write addition information.

"Nothing. I'm fine."

"No, you're not. This whole week you've been down ever since Hadrian..." She paused. "Wait you don't have a crush on him?!"

The teacher shushed Pia for her outburst while the class snickered. I hid my face and pretended to be writing.

Pia repeated herself but quieter. "You have a crush on him? He already has a girlfriend who is evil remember."

"I never said I had a crush on him."

"So do you miss him?"

"Miss. Lucian can you hold back your chatter till after this lesson?" The teacher gave Pia a warning glare.

"Yes, Mr. Simms," Pia said but continued as soon as he turned around. "Rhea, he's not good for you. Trust me." I ignored her comment and continued my work hoping that lunch would come quicker.

I didn't like Hadrian. He was just cocky and arrogant and violent. The look he gave me after stabbing Noah honestly scared me. There was nothing there. No emotion. He didn't feel anything for what he did which made me realise how dangerous he was.

"Rhea has a crush on Hadrian," Pia chanted. She repeated it louder. I raised my hand.

"Sir, can I use the restroom?"

He turned again annoyed. "Go."

I sped out of the room away from Pia's voice. I began walking down the hallway until I saw Marcia leave an empty closet. She looked a mess but was smiling and I found out why when Noah came out too without his school shirt. I gasped loud enough that they heard me and stared at me in shock.

"Rhea, it's not what it looks like..." Noah tried to come towards me to explain but I held my hand up to stop him.

"One: Your fly's down." He zipped it automatically. "Two: How are you still f*cking alive and walking? Three: Do I look like an idiot?"

"I'm an angel, I thought that was obvious. I heal quickly," Noah said buttoning his shirt.

"No sh*t, Sherlock. If Hadrian finds out about this... thing, he may actually kill you. Both of you."

"But he's not going to because you're not going to tell him," Marcia piped in. She pushed me into the lockers, slamming my head on them. "If you do, prepare for war, b*tch." She released me and went off but not without kissing Noah.

Once she had gone, Noah decided it was time to open up.

"Rhea, it was a mistake with her. I don't know how it happened."

"Are you saying that she raped you?" I raised an eyebrow at him.

"No, but I lo-"

I slapped his face hard. If Hadrian didn't kill him, I probably would. "Don't you dare say that! You just f*cking slept with Marcia in a classroom and you want to say that?" I seethed at him.

"I'm sorry. I want us to get over the past. If only you would-"

"I would?" I laughed bitterly. "If only you didn't have a relationship with me AND my best friend! You didn't even tell either of us."

"I know but-"

"How do you want me to get over that?! I had to find out myself when you were about to have sex with her!"

"You were being a prude about it and she was willing!" He burst out, red in the face. "Wait, I didn't mean that."

I was furious and I had the urge to murder him. Suddenly, one of the lockers flew out and smashed into Noah, leaving him unconscious. I ran up to him and poked him to see if he was actually out. And he was. Raising my head, I checked if the corridor was empty but only saw a shadowy figure at the end. I couldn't see the face but only two glowing grey eyes which belonged to a person who shouldn't even be in school.

"What happened here?" I heard a teacher exclaim.

I don't know, I thought. I really don't.


Done & Dusted.

Thank you anyone whose been keeping up with my story.. Love ya xo

But guess what? Things are going to make more sense and there will be even MORE drama!

I know you love it ;)

XO Nyx_

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