37. Take me away from him

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Rhea's POV

It was Saturday, the day of the Ball. After Hadrian had explained everything, I left not wanting to deal with the feeling of sympathy towards him. Even though he had reason to why he did things, it didn't justify why he played me around. Pia was also having her own issues and was laying on the floor in our dorm sighing.

"Pia can you stop that?" I asked bringing out the things we would need to prepare for the dance that was happening in 3 hours.

"I can't help it. Ryan is spending so much time with Hadrian."

"You saw each other yesterday."

She rolled over onto her stomach. "I know but he always comes to say good morning to me and it's almost at 7. In the evening."

I heard a knock come from the door and opened it to see a girl holding two large boxes.

"Rhea Montero and Pia Lucian?"

"That would be us."

She placed the packages in my arms and went off. Using my foot, I closed the door and dumped Pia's box on her bed. The boxes were plain white, giving no indication of what was inside. I lifted up the lid and found my dress sitting inside with the mask nestled beside it. I raised up the dress and put it in front if my body, imagining what it would look like on me.

"It looks nice, Ree. Now, go have a shower. We need to get ready."

I entered the bathroom and did the extensive tasks girls had to in order to look flawless - the waxing, procrastinating, plucking, more procrastinating, creams and lotions, and a bit more procrastinating on the side. As soon as I was done and smelt like a princess, Pia rushed into the bathroom to sort out herself.

I wrapped my hair with a towel then put on my dress. The material was beautiful and because the front was shorter than the rest, it made my legs look longer. Putting on a robe, I leaned down to grab the hairdryer while Pia came back in to put on her own dress.

"Can I borrow your black heels?" She asked applying her makeup. Her nails were now the same shade of green as her dress.

"Which ones?"

"The T-strap ones." I handed them over to her and resumed curling my hair. Once I had done that, I moved onto my make up. It was a masked ball so I left my eyes and put a touch of blood red lipstick. I pouted my lips at the mirror, acting as if I was the most gorgeous thing to walk on Earth.

Pia stood up and I stared at her amazed. She looked like a model with the dress hugging her figure. "Damn girl!" I said, giving her a wink. She grinned then checked the time.

"The Ball starts in 2 minutes so put on your shoes and mask." Pia gave me my black heeled pumps then tied on her own mask. I put on mine and we left to go to the transformed cafeteria.

The room was full of students already and it looked amazing. There were chandeliers hanging from the ceiling and the tall windows were covered with white balloons. It looked magical as someone had done a spell to make it seem like it was snowing without the actual coldness that comes with the real thing.

"I must say Marcia did a good job forcing people to do the work for her," Pia said. She looked around then started clucking and flapping her arms.

"Oh my gosh. Were you serious?" I exclaimed watching her do the strange dance.

"Of course. Duh." A guy pushed through the crowd to stop in front of us. Ryan smiled down at Pia with love in his eyes and she smiled back with the same emotion.

"You look amazing," he whispered to her. I immediately realised it was a private moment and began to move backwards only to bump into someone. I turned and saw Helios grinning at me with his arm around Becky.

"Ree, we need to stop meeting like this," he said dramatically.

"Where have you been?" I replied smiling. "And hey, Becky."

"Hey Rhea," she greeted.

"I got kidnapped like Becky. However, no one notice!" He laughed. I felt guilty and it must have shown on my face as he tried to reassure me that it wasn't a problem. "I got kidnapped when I came back from seeing my parents so no one would have really noticed. Anyway, where's your date?"

I shrugged. "I'll go and look for him now. Bye."

I shuffled my way through the dancing crowd of teens, searching for a certain ginger. I walked into a hard chest that was not there a few seconds ago.

"Excuse me..."

"If you're looking for Tom, he's...busy," Hadrian said, looking down at me. He was wearing a suit with a tie that was suspiciously the same colour of blue as my dress. He looked good, really good. I diverted my eyes when I realised I was staring.

"Doing what?"

"The question should be who." I scrunched up my nose in disgust. Hadrian smiled with amusement.

"Too much information. I guess I shall be my own date." I wrapped my arms around myself and swayed to the music. He grabbed my arms and placed them on his shoulders then put his own around my waist.

"A pretty girl like you shouldn't dance alone," he said in a low voice. I blushed immediately and lowered my head. Hadrian pulled me closer, forcing me to lean my head on his chest. I could feel his steady heartbeat which was the opposite to mine that was beating fast.

"I'm sorry, Rhea," he whispered.

"I know," I replied. I didn't say that I forgave him because I didn't but I wanted to move on.

"I know this is random and you may not even believe me but I really li-"


The windows shattered, raining shards of glass on everyone in the room with one of the chandeliers dropping to the ground like a bomb. Then the screams followed.


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