24. Want a break? Here's a kitkat

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Rhea POV

The books in the classroom were scattered on the floor and the rest of us were muttering about the random mini earthquake. Except Pia. She brought out a bottle of nail varnish and started to paint her nails.

"What are you doing, Pia?" I bent down to pick my things off the floor.

"What does it look like? I'm doing my final coat." She continued adding the pale blue liquid.

"How are you so calm?" I asked her amazed by how unfazed she was by the situation.

"Because I have foresight and I saw this happening since.." She paused in thought. "Tuesday."

"Children settle down right now," Mr. Piy's voice boomed and the class immediately went quiet. "Now can we continue on page-"

Our maths teacher was interrupted by the door opening, revealing Hadrian. The whole class was stunned. Hadrian wasn't known for going to lessons and seeing him was like seeing a dead body walking. He wasn't wearing the full uniform and his shirt remained untucked.

"What are you doing here young man?" Mr. Piy said eyeing him.

"I'm in this class," Hadrian replied, his voice like warm honey.

"No, you're not."

"I've always been in this class."

"Not that you attend any," the teacher muttered. Hadrian glared at him when he heard this.

"Just check the register." Mr. Piy looked at his computer and his face turned shocked.

"Sit down," he said gruffly.

The guys stared at Hadrian with fear or respect and the girls, despite recent events, were flirting. He glanced at me and winked. I gave him a small smile until I saw Pia smirking at me in the corner of my eye.

Hadrian walked down the aisle to sit at the back and leaned on his chair to put his feet on the desk. He got out some headphones then tuned out. Mr. Piy opened his mouth to tell him off but shut it knowing it wouldn't do anything.


By lunch time, people were obsessed with the fact our bad boy was in school...learning. But no one prepared us for the biggest news.

Becky, a girl from my French class ran up to Pia and I as we were putting our books in my locker. She was a vampire with the typical pale skin, red eyes and she had dyed her hair electric blue.

"Hurry! Marcia's begging Hadrian to take her back," she said quickly while dragging us to the cafeteria.

"They broke up?" I was surprised. Not that they broke up but how quickly Hadrian broke it off with her.

"Yes. Now come on!"

We arrived to see Hadrian sitting with his team and Marcia standing in front of him crying.

"Can you just f*cking leave me alone. You've been messing around with my cousin and you think I'll continue our relationship?"

"Please, baby. You're supposed to take me to the Winter Ball. We're meant to be together."

Hadrian took a sip of water as if considering her words. "I'm not supposed to do anything. And I wasn't ever going to ask you to the Ball."

The crowd was a mixture of people gasping or snickering. Marcia looked as if she was going to throw a fit.

"Is it because of that b*tch Rhea?"

I shrunk back as the attention was turned to me. Hadrian diverted his eyes to me for a second then ran his hand through his hair annoyed.

"Firstly, she's not the b*tch, you are. And it doesn't have anything to do with her."

"Then, why are you freaking doing this?" she screamed at him. Hadrian stood up, towering over Marcia who took a step back.

"I don't know if you're deaf or stupid but I'll repeat myself one last time. You. F*cked. My. Cousin. Is that clearer for you?"

He strode away from her and left the building.


Hey hey hey!

Dedicated to @MelanieMariah1 because she's just SO KIND LIKE UNBELIEVABLY KIND <3

Okay that may not have been the best chapter BUT all my Hadrian+Rhea fans you should start getting your popcorn ready!

*Holds popcorn*

And my Helios lovers, please don't fear. Our guy is around and will be back!

Now, I'm off to cause some trouble.

XO Nyx_

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