7. Meeting with Cinderella

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"So why did you go to the reception?"

I slammed my locker in surprise when I heard Pia's voice. She looked at me eagerly, not caring that she almost gave me a heart attack.

"PIA! What was that?" I almost yelled. She shrugged dismissively and signalled that I should continue.

"Pia I just met you. We can't continue this...this relationship."

She smirked at me and dramatically said,"You can't break up with me now!"

Another voice joined in. "Pia are you cheating on me with your roommate?"

We span around to see her boyfriend looking down at us in amusement.

"Oh Ryan! I-I didn't see you there..." Pia stumbled.

"Of course you didn't. Introduce me to your 'girlfriend'."

"Erm... okay. Rhea meet Ryan my slave who I sometimes call my boyfriend. Ryan meet Rhea my blueberry jam." I waved at him in greeting but just like Pia, he acted as if we had known each other for years. Ryan hugged me and ruffled my hair like an older brother would do.

"I'm so sorry Rhea for anything this girl will do to you," he said jokingly while getting Pia's books to carry.

"Its fine. I think I'm used to it already." We laughed as Pia whacked my arm.

"Anyway, what happened Ree?" Pia repeated. I raised my eyebrows at the new nickname. I had only met this girl less than 24 hours ago and yet I felt like I was so close to her. I shivered. I was becoming sappy already and I hadn't even eaten any muffins.

"I had to talk to my mum after I got told I need tutoring. Oh my gosh! I'm late for that. I'll see you later and nice to meet you Ryan!"

They said bye quickly then started showing the students walking passed how PDA should be done. I cringed but continued towards the Banqueting hall.


Despite the name, the Banqueting hall was a giant library with rows and rows of books and an elfish-looking librarian who looked like she was 15. I went up to her to see if she could help me.

"Hi. I'm here to be tutored by someone."

She answered back giddy with excitement, "Okay, so what's your name and who told you to come? It helps me check on the computer."

"Rhea Montero and it was Mrs.Grimm."

She quickly typed it then waited for it to load. I guessed it had loaded when she gasped with shock or what could have been jealousy.

"Wait upstairs and it seems as though Hadrian is your tutor," she told me without the excitement from before.

"Thanks," I answered then went up the winding staircase. A boy? I hope he's nice...

I sat down and brought out some of the books I was assigned to read as I was begin in some subjects. It was either French or ECM which Mrs.Grimm has pointed out that I was already failing. I chose the latter because my French was okay.

5 minutes...

10 minutes...

30 minutes...

1 hour...

"Its time to leave the library as it's closing time."

I glanced at the clock. He didn't show up and wasted my time. I felt a surge of anger and stuffed my stuff into my satchel bag then left. How could someone refuse to do their job and not tell anyone?

I walked back to my dorm room in annoyance. When I opened the door, I saw Pia and Ryan getting cosy on her bed. Ew. I took my pyjamas and a towel into the bathroom and turned on the tap. Maybe I would calm down with a bubble bath. I placed candles on the edge of the tub and began reaching for the matches. In the book it explained a spell to light things.

"Inferno Magnus," I whispered to the closest candle. The spell worked... But instead the shower curtain burst into flames.

"Sh*t!" I poured water on it and it soon went out. The burn parts of the curtain floated in the water of my bath. I sighed and went to the shower instead.

I heard a knocking sound on the door while I was putting my silk pyjama shorts on.

"Why do I smell smoke Rhea?" Pia asked on the other side. I opened the door and came out.

"I may have accidently set the curtains on fire," I said looking down. She stared at me. I stared at her. We stared at each other.

"Finally! I hated that thing. Like why did it have to be green? I always wanted to destroy it but I kept forgetting. Thanks! And I love the PJ's. Matches your eyes which are so wierd. Are they naturally gold or is it contacts?" Pia said in a rush. I took some time to process what she had said.

"Your welcome? And I've never worn contacts," I replied, hoping that I had answered all her questions.

"Hmm... Interesting. So how was the tutoring?"

"He didn't show up."

"WHAT?!" She screeched. "How dare he? Wait... HE?"

I almost swore she was on drugs. "Yes, he. I can't believe this Hadrian guy didn't even tell me." Pia looked even more shocked which said something as I thought her eyes were about to roll out of her head.

"Hadrian? You're dead. Pack your bags and run. If you keep running East, you might find a mountain. Stay there. I'll send help. Marcia is gonna kill us!"

"Why?" I questioned puzzled.


"Pia, calm down. She won't kill us. We have 2 days before we will have a chance to see her properly."

"That's if she doesn't find us first. Get your slippers. We need to find that boy and Ryan."


- Done!

Well, I must say that took some time ^^


Nyx: Hey.

PIA: Hello, dearie sugar lump. Why am I here?

Nyx: Not sure... I have a few questions.

PIA: Okay then! On we go!

Nyx: Why are you scared of Marcia?

PIA: Who said I was? (mumbles) The evil little...

Nyx: Anyway, are you and Rhea friends?

PIA: Yes, duh. She has no choice. I predicted it last week.

Nyx: Last one. Who is Hadrian?

PIA: Look at the time! Taa taa! (she leaves the room)


Comment who you would like next and some questions :)

XO Nyx_

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