32. I don't actually know

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I woke up to Pia shaking me. She looked worried.

"Rhea! Wake up! They found Becky but she has no idea what happened to her. But the worst part is Tom's been taken now and Hadrian's now the main suspect."

When I heard Hadrian's name, I became alert. I didn't know whether to believe it or try to convince myself he was innocent.

"Why would they think it's Hadrian?" I asked, getting out of my bed.

"He's the only one who can leave the school."

"What? Like walk out?"

"No. He can 'travel'. Meaning he can pop in and out of places. In other words, teleporting." I went to pick up my books but Pia stopped me. "We have no classes. The school's worried we'll be kidnapped on our way to maths."

"I need to see Hadrian." I quickly put on my clothes. Pia chucked a pair of trainers at me.

"He's going towards his room with some of the security guards."

"Thanks." I ran out of our room and out of the building. No one was outside so it was easy to get to the boys' dorms. You could hear the shouting coming from the top floor, obvious sign Hadrian was there. I went all the way to the top to see Hadrian handcuffed outside his room with two guards watching him.

He grinned when he saw me and I could see a bruise forming on his check. "Rhea, welcome! Are you here to shout at me?"

"What is going on?"

"As you can tell, I'm handcuffed and these people are searching my f*cking room. All because I kidnapped Tom." He laughed at what he said.

"Did you? Because you're the one who threatened any guy who asked me out."

Hadrian's smile turned to a glare. "He f*cking did what?" He tried to wiggle out of his restraints.

"It was just for the Winter Ball. And it's not up to you!"

One of the guards tried to force Hadrian to stay still but he refused to.

"I wasn't joking Rhea. I will-" Hadrian was cut off as the guard decided to taser him. His stormy eyes rolled back and he dropped to the floor. I held back a scream because he looked dead. Both guards leaned down to check if he was really out.

Suddenly, Hadrian got up and hit both of them with his hands still tied together. They fell to the floor, unconscious and he turned to me. "You're not going with him."

"Well, I literally can't because he's gone."

"I'm sorry for your loss," he said unapologetically.

"Hadrian, please bring him back."

"I would if I could. But I can't." He bent down to search the guards' pockets. Hearing a jingling sound, I knew he found keys. He threw them at me. "Unlock me."


"Rhea, I'm not f*cking kidding. If you want your boyfriend, you need to free me." I stared at him, trying to work out if he was being sincere.

"Fine. And he's not my boyfriend." He held his hands in front of me and I twisted the key in the lock. The handcuffs fell off and Hadrian shook his hands to bring them back to life.

"Thank you." He opened his room to check if the people going through his dorm had heard anything. "Come on. Let's go."

We walked down the stairs in silence until we heard an uproar of noise. My eyes widened. I was going to be a suspect and my life would be ruined. Hadrian pulled me round the corner so we couldn't be seen if they looked down the stairs.

"Hadrian this is all your fault," I hissed at him. He ignored me and looked round the corner.

"Sh*t. We need to go. Right now." He dragged me down the hallway while the sound of heavy footsteps were following us. Then the worst happened - they started shooting. I automatically raised my hands.

"What the f*ck are you doing?" Hadrian shouted and grabbed my arms, pulling me.

"I'm surrendering." He rolled his eyes as if we had time for that. He swiftly picked me up and I wrapped my arms around his neck to avoid falling. A bullet grazed my cheek causing it to bled. That p*ssed me off. Hadrian began running with me in his arms. I raised my arm at the guards coming towards us.

"Estractus arms." The guns they were previously holding dropped to the ground, giving us some extra time.

"You're good at magyk," Hadrian said casually as if he wasn't running unnaturally fast.

"I had to teach myself because someone never tutored me." We went down the next flight of stairs and heard silence. He put me down and began checking the numbers on the doors. Smiling, he unlocked the door of the room 369 and pulled me in.

The room was empty apart from a refrigerator, stocked with food and a sofa. Once Hadrian locked the door, he grabbed a bottle of something and sat down. I stood awkwardly.

"Sit down," he said, opening his bottle. I sat down as far away from him as possible. He smirked at me and shuffled closer so I moved to sit on the floor.

"How do you know about this place?"

"I found here when I was breaking into people's rooms. Found it was empty. There's no deep or meaningful reason." He started drinking but something occurred to him. "Tracking device. Sh*t."

I got up because who knew how long we had till the guards came. Hadrian went into a draw and pulled out some paper. He created a flame and burnt it.

"What was that?" I asked, pointing to the now destroyed documents.

"My homework," he said, winking at me. He walked over to me and put his warm hands on my hips.

"I have no idea." My arms moved around his neck and he slowly leaned towards me, watching my reaction. Finally, his lips touched mine and my eyes closed as I felt electricity go through me. At first, the kiss started off gentle but soon became more and more passionate. Hadrian took control by biting my lip causing me to gasp before he deepened the kiss.

There was no sense of time or the fact we were being chased. I could only concentrate on the feeling of Hadrian lips on mine and his hands that were roaming under my shirt.


"We know you're in there. Open up."

I opened my eyes to stare into light grey ones. Hadrian didn't move immediately as if he was trying to hold on to the moment.

"You're a good kisser," he whispered, smiling.

"So are you," I replied out of breath.

Hadrian moved away from me. "I'll open the f*cking door! Rhea, stay calm." As soon as he opened the door, 10 men rushed in, one punching him in the stomach. Hadrian bent over, clutching his stomach while another hit the back of his legs forcing him to drop to his knees. He gave me a last smile before they electrocuted him. Hadrian's body fell immediately to the floor and they injected him.

And what did I do? I screamed.

Dedicated to XxthatromancethoxX because she's wonderful^^

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