3. Bad things come in threes

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"So Pia... Would you mind getting off me?"

"Oh yeah," she said sheepishly then climbed off my bed. I continued eyeing the scissors as I was woken up by them. Pia was slender and not very short but not exactly average. I would say she was cute but due to recent events, that opinion would have to wait.

We both stared at each other as if we were trying to read the other person's mind until she spoke.

"What are you?"

I opened my mouth then closed it. I thought hard. Then I knew what I was. It was obvious - too obvious.

"Human. I am human"

"...Okay then. Well, I am a descendant of Mad Hatter but I guess human is cool..." she replied confused.

I was still stuck on the part when she said she was a descendant of Mad Hatter. Maybe she was mad. Or maybe she was right...

"So is anyone here related to Cinderella?"

"Urm.. No? That is such a strange question!" Pia laughed. Or snorted. At this point, I was more than confused. How can you be related to a mad man in a fairy tale but Cinderella is not realistic? The clock showed that it was 11:27am meaning I fell asleep for 2 hours. I glanced back at Pia to see she was going through my information pack.

"Wow! Rhea you're a sorceress. Rare but interesting... And we have the next lesson together!"

I inwardly sighed. Let the games begin.

Pia rushed around the room and picked up what seemed to be uniform.

"Here," she threw at me. "Wear at all times apart from 6pm everyday and in the weekend."

The uniform was simple - black skirt, white buttoned top and a blue tie. I quickly put it on in the bathroom with above-the-knee socks and black low heeled shoes. My hair was curly and dark brown so I put it into a ponytail. Done I thought. Not too shabby I must say.

"So any thing I need to worry about before leaving this room?" I asked jokingly.

Her face turned serious. "You need to watch out for the ...Plastics."

Seriously? Pia began giggling so I guessed she wasn't serious. Until she brought out a file which seemed to contain information on various people.

"Now, in this file it has printouts that went wrong but lets imagine that it has some CSI worthy material..."

"Pia are you okay?" I interrupted.

However, she continued as if I had said nothing. "Like all schools, we have the jungle pyramid. We have the royals of the school - Football team and cheerleaders. So cliché right? Then we have everyone else who is just... Eh. And at the bottom is the newbies. Oh... That means you..." She looked at me and sighed. "Well, luckily for you, you have me."

"How is that lucky?" I'm not sure a girl with scissors would save me if I'm at the bottom of the diagram. Although, you never know.

"Good things come to those who wait. But, my apricot jam, our maths teacher can't wait for us forever."


Pia lead me - I mean dragged me - to our maths lesson which was miles away. For such a small girl, she had some muscle as I couldn't break out of her grip. Finally, we reached a door with the number 314 which Pia kicked open. Way to be noticed, Pia.

"Pia, why are you late again?" the bald teacher questioned without looking at us.

"'Sup Sir! New student so forth," Pia replied with a smile.

I turned and saw 20 or so students looking at us or it could have been me. I realised Pia and I were still linked by her grabbing my wrist so I quickly moved my arm away. She notice and turned her smile at me, wriggling her eyebrows.

"Name?" The teacher barked.

"Rhea, Sir," I responded.

"Strange name Rhea Sir," he turned and wrote on the board. "Well, I am Mr. Piy. Pronounced pie. Take a seat next to Pia."

The class giggled at the new name he had given to me. I should probably tell my mother to change my birth certificate now. Pia handed me a text book and a work book which was very thick. Too bad I hated maths.


-Onwards my cookie army!

Bring the chocolate chips and whatever you put inside.

Favourite subject?

Mine is sleeping ^^ z z z

XO Nyx_

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