39. Don't fall for me that deep

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Hadrian's POV

While Rhea was putting the rosary on Becky's neck, I decided to make a phone call. The phone rang three times before it was picked up.

"Yes?" the person said. I could hear the wailing sound of sirens in the background.

"Seth, where are you and why am I hearing police cars?"

"Why, hello to you too. I'm just hanging at a burglary scene as one does. What have you done now?"

"I haven't done anything. It's Noah."

Seth sighed through the phone. "On a scale from one to five, how bad is it?"


"I'll be there in 10."

He hung up and I put my phone back in my pocket. Rhea stared at me confused. "My brother," I explained. I looked outside the window to see that the forest was now on fire. I strode to the door to hear the dreaded hissing sounds of the demons once I had opened it. Quickly dragging Becky into a cupboard, I asked Rhea a question.

"Rhea, do you trust me?"

She gave me a deadpan look. "Of course I don't."

"Fine... Can you temporarily trust me for around 5 minutes?"

"Okay..." she replied. I shrugged off my suit jacket and took off my tie, feeling Rhea's eyes on me.

"Now is not the time to watch me remove my clothes, Rhea," I said smirking. She turned red and turned around. "Take off your shoes."


"Just do it, please."

Grabbing a chair, I began hitting it against the window. The noises from the demons was getting louder meaning they were quickly approaching. I dropped the chair and decided to use my fist. I punched the glass once, then twice and it smashed open.

"Why the f*ck does this school have windows that don't even open?" I muttered, shaking out my hand. "Rhea, have you ever jumped out of anything?" She shook her head.

"Hadrian, tell me we're not going to jump out of the window."

"No, we are not." Her face relaxed. "You are."

"It's 40 f*cking feet high!" She exclaimed.

"And I'll catch you." I saluted. "I promise."

"If you don't, I'll kill you. Wait, I'll be dead," she said, her voice dripping with sarcasm. I picked her up despite her protests and held her at the window ledge. The noises from the door told me we had no more time.

"See you in a few seconds, baby," I said smirking at her. Then I let her fall.


The demons burst open the door and rushed at me screaming. I drew my sword and immediately sliced one's head off.


It dropped to the ground with a thud and turned into a pile of dust. This enraged the others who decide it was time to bring out their own weapons.


I wasn't ready for the fire balls they decided to throw at me.

"Are you f*cking serious?" I said trying to put the flames on my arms out. It gave them enough time to pin me to the wall and take my sword away. Their 'faces' were too close for my liking.


I used my legs to kick them, putting more distance between them and myself. I summoned some daggers into my hand and threw them, aiming for the one that was crawling on the ceiling.


The spider-like demon dropped to the ground, knocking over half of the remaining creatures. I pulled a match from my pocket and dragged it across the wall then threw it at the pile of demons.


They erupted into flames causing the rest to scream and hiss. One decided to punch me in the face in retaliation.

"How the hell do you punch with no hands?" The only answer I got was another hard punch to the jaw which I knew had now moved place.


"You know I have somewhere else to be right now," I spat out, hitting him back. I suddenly remembered Becky was still in the cupboard. "Sh*t."

I ran over and dragged the cupboard out into the hallway, trying to wave off the demons that were ripping at my shirt.


I summoned a litre bottle of gasoline and threw it into the room with a match then closed the door, trapping the devilish creatures inside. The door heated up as the inferno started inside, telling me that the fuel had caught alight.


The chilling screams from the room echoed down the hallway as I pushed Becky's coffin aka the cupboard out another window. She'd be fine. Hopefully.


I felt my body shift through dimensions, trying to find the one that would lead me to where Rhea was about to land. I was almost there-



I love cliff-hangers XD

3/4 more chapters left!! (not sure about the number ^^)

I haven't got that much to say really...

*sighs* well, please do the usual commenting, voting and sharing because every little helps...

XO Nyx_

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