27. Going public

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As much as my team tried, we didn't win. Helios was out because he fell in by himself. When he entered the water, I splashed him for pushing me in.

"Is this how you thank me?" He said covering his face from my attack.

"For what? Making our team have one less player?"

"Didn't you and Hadrian have a moment?" Helios started looking around for him.

"No. He literally disappeared under the water."

A horn sounded telling everyone the game was over. We went to the changing rooms to get dressed. I stood drying my hair next to a group of girls who were in some of my classes.

"Did you see Hadrian?" The brunette said. The rest of them giggled and sighed.

"You know he asked Jenny to the Winter Ball," a girl with freckles whispered.

"No. That can't be true Felicia!" The brunette replied in disbelief.

"Yes, he did. That's why he's with her now." The girls rushed to go and see. I wanted to see whether it was true but didn't want to seem to eager. I waited a few minutes then went out the doors to see Hadrian leaning against the building with a pretty girl twirling her red hair.

He said something to her in her ear which she laughed at. She put her hand on his chest and smiled up at him. That was enough for me. I strood past without looking at them and went towards the cafeteria for breakfast.


"Gooseberry jam!" Pia greeted me. Looking around, most people were still in pyjamas as there was no need for uniform.

"Hey Pia. You look...different." I winked at her which she replied to by throwing bread at me.

"Shut up." She smiled. Ryan was holding her hand while talking to his teammates. "How's your boyfriend?"

I was about to answer but Hadrian's timing was incredible or Pia had planned it.

"What boyfriend?" Hadrian asked. He folded his arms while he stared at me, waiting for an answer. He looked like he didn't care but his stormy grey eyes betrayed him. They were turning darker by the second.

"The one who was texting you Rhea." Pia smiled evilly. My phone pinged and I opened it to see I had received a message from a person called Joshua. I scrolled up to see that I had some how had a long conversation with this person for months.

Joshua: Hey babe. Missed you. I've sent you some gifts so you don't forget me.

Hadrian took the phone out of my hands and read the message. He looked at me then at the message. Right on time, a girl came up to us holding a huge bouquet of white roses and a box of chocolate.

"Is Rhea here? I have a delivery from...Joshua."

Hadrian was, for some reason, furious. "You never told me you have a f*cking boyfriend."

"I didn't know I had to tell you." I took the flowers and chocolate and sat down leaving him standing behind me.

"So you still let me stay in your f*cking bed, knowing you have a boyfriend waiting for you." The whole table was watching our argument.

I whirled round to glare at him. "I didn't let you in my f*cking bed! That was you! And why are you getting angry? Go talk to Jenny."

"Are you jealous?" He laughed without humour.

"No." Hadrian walked to where Jenny was sitting with her friends. He cupped her face and kissed her hard. She responded, closing her eyes but Hadrian kept his on mine. He broke away and smirked at me cruelly.

"And now?" I tried hard to stop the tears from flowing because that was low. I raised my middle finger at him and I picked up my gifts from the mysterious Joshua then walked away.

"Rhea come back!" Pia got up to catch up with me but I shook my head.

I smiled with tears in my eyes. "I'm fine. Stay with Ryan."

I arrived in my dorm and put the flowers in a vase. I looked at Hadrian's things on the floor and picked them up to put them outside my door. Much better.

Laying on my bed, I tried to think why it hurt me so much because I refused to believe that I had any other feeling other than hate towards Hadrian. Maybe I hadn't eaten enough chocolate. I opened the box to see that there was a letter inside.

Hope your okay at school!

Love Mum. X

I wiped my eyes and decided that I was going to be strong for her. But first, I needed a bath. A long one.



Rhea: Why are you in my room?

Nyx: Interview time.

Rhea: I told you before I don't want one.

Nyx: I want never gets. I don't want gets.

Rhea: (confused) That makes no sense.

Nyx: I know. Question one. What is going on with you and Hadrian?

Rhea: Nothing.

Nyx: (sighs) Why can't you give me something interesting? Anyway, do you like Hadrian?

Rhea: No. (blushes)

Nyx: (writing) So yes you do. Lastly, who do you want to take you to the Winter Ball?

Rhea: Joshua...(Nyx stares at her) I'm joking.


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