"Can Ya Dig?" No I can't. - chapter 20

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I grabbed a notebook from Ponyboy's room.(@Vertica07) I wrote down everything fun I could think of: Watch a movie, Buck's house(...nah!), go to Dairy Queen and chug ice cream(What's wrong with that?), scare a few kids, play some pranks on innocent bystanders, and, lastly, (I'm not proud of the idea, but,) jump a Soc, even.

None of it sounded all that exciting. Then, Two-bit, Steve, Pony, and Johnny got home.

The second I said, "Hey, guys." As they walked in, Two-bit and Steve started cracking up laughing , I assumed about Dallas and I. The even reenacted a scene. Two-bit was me and Steve was Dally.

"Oh, Dally." Two-bit said in a high pitched squeal of a voice as he pushed some of Steve's hair back. "I love you, Dallas." He put his arm around Steve.

Steve pretending to look cool said, "Yeah, babe." He flipped his collar up. "Ya sure do." He looked straight at Two-bit and gave him an odd look. "Don't ya?" Steve tried to make a growling noise in his throat, then started choking. When he was done coughing, they continued their presentation. It took 20
minutes for them to make fun of me... That's a first.

"Ya done?" I said after they took their bows and curtsies.

"Yup." Two-bit said in the girl voice before clearing his throat.

"Good. Now, why don't we plan something fun, tonight? I'm getting pretty bored without a job and all."

"Okay." Johnny had said,(I'd forgotten that he was standing there) "What should we do?"

"I've been trying to think of something to do, but I'm stumped."

"Ooh!" Two-bit said, snapping his fingers. "I heard about this new club downtown. It's called, 'Can Ya Dig'?. Dallas told me about it."

Dally told him about it... Hmmm... I bet it was nothing.

"Sure." I said, grabbing the door knob. "Let's get going."

An hour later, we were at the club. We were dancing and having fun. Two-bit and Steve picked up some girls and Pony, Johnny and I were running back an forth chanting "GREASER! GREASER! GREASER!"

When the three of us collapsed on the floor, panting and grinning, I looked up to see Dally standing at the bar. I stood up and walked over to him. I walked up behind him, putting my hands over his eyes. "Guess who?" I said, biting my lip.

"Hey, baby." he said... He was slurring his words... That's never a good sign.

"Um...Dally?" I asked, "Have you been drinking?"

"Yeah!" he screamed, throwing his arm around me. "Why?!"

"...D...Dallas?" I asked, nervous, "...H...ow long?"

"Few hours." he said, proud of himself, "Why?"

I grabbed him by the arm, "Let's go home. You don't look too good."

He pulled his arm away, startling me. "Nah!" he said, his breath smelling of alcohol and trash. "I'm staying here,... Babe..."

He went to kiss me but I pushed him away. "What has gotten into you, Dallas?!" I grabbed his arm, pulling him toward the guys. "Let's go home!"

He hit me... He really did... Hurt me...

The world went dark and the floor came up to meet me. The last thing I saw was Johnny and Pony helping me up and Steve and Two-bit running at Dallas, ready to kill him...

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