The promise ring! - chapter 55

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Dally's POV

I ran down the street, nearly getting run over multiple times. But I didn't care. I had a place to be. And fast. Why didn't Darrel tell me 'bout her birthday earlier?! I mean, she's my gal!

I ran into a store. It was called K... Something. I didn't really check. I ran inside, out of breath. A guy who worked there walked up to me and asked, "Hello, sir. How may I help you?"

I was panting, out of breath. "I... I need to get a ring... For... For my girlfriends birthday."

He smiled. "Proposal or promise ring?"

I had to think about it. Then shook my head. "Her brother would kill me if I got her a proposal ring. But, what's a promise ring." (Fangirls out there, feel free to explain.)

The man smirked. "It means that you love her. And that, some day, you will propose. As long as the ring is always on her finger."

I smiled. "Great."

We walked up to the clear glass container. Then, I realized, I DON'T KNOW HOW TO PICK OUT A RING!!!!!!

So, I took out my phone and made a quick call.

Johnny's POV

I was passing out the invitations for the party, trying to avoid letting Ashley see me, she was busy talkin' to Two-bit, when my phone rang. I hid the papers behind my back and ran outside. I picked up the phone. "Hello?"

"Johnny." Dally said on the other line. "Come over to that jewelry place down the street real quick. This is important."

"Be right there." I said, already running toward the store. I didn't know why, but this was important. I could tell by the way Dally was sayin' it.

I hung up the phone, only a block away from the store. When I got there, I looked around the store, I saw Dally standin' next to some guy at the counter. I walked up to Dally. "What did ya need me for, Dal?"

He looked down and mumbled something.

"What?" I asked.

He mumbled it again.

"Dal, speak up. I can't hear ya."

He looked up and smiled, sorta blushing. "I need you to help me pick out a ring for Ash's birthday."

I grinned from ear to ear. "I'm on it, Dal."

I looked around at all the rings. I looked back up at him. "What's the budget?"

He grinned. "Nothin' under 200."

I grinned back and went back to looking through the rings.

Ashley's POV

I was talkin' to Two-bit 'cause Dally had to go somewhere for a little while. Johnny stepped out, too. Probably followin' Dallas.

Two-bit looked at a piece of paper that was in his pocket. Then turned back to me. "So, I heard you were turnin' 40, tomorrow." I rolled my eyes and elbowed him in the rib.

Yeah. My birthdays, tomorrow. I can't wait! I don't suppose anyone told ya, did they?

Anyway, I smirked at Two-bit. "And I suppose that would make you 3." I stuck my tongue out at him and he did the same to me. "Yeah." I confessed. "I'm turnin' 17, tomorrow."

He grinned and put an arm around me. "Cool." he said. "Whatcha feel like doin'?"

I shrugged. "I don't know. Go watch a movie or something?"

He shook his head. "No! It's your birthday! You're gonna have fun on your birthday. Okay?!"

I smirked. "Oh, alright, Two. We can plan it later. Okay?"

He nodded.

Dally's POV

Johnny and I just picked out a ring for Ash. It was purple. It's called, "Amethyst". Apparently, it's the February birth stone. It was 3 hundred. So, I ran to the bank and took out $350. It was my dads account and I know that he would get mad and make me pay it back. Like a checking account, but with more beatings.

Anyway, Johnny and I ran back to Dairy Queen. And when we got there, Ashley asked, "Hey, guys. Where ya been?"

I smirked, sitting down next to her. I quickly handed Darry the box with the ring behind my back so he could check it out. "Nothin', babe. You?"

Darry smiled and handed me back the box with a nod. I had put a little piece of paper inside that said, "Promise Ring" on it so Darry wouldn't get scared that I was proposin' or something.

So, he approved of this... Will he approve when I actually propose?... I'll have to deal with that once the time comes.

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