She's got cooties?!!!!!!!!!!! - chapter 62

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The second I got to work, I picked up a wrench and started working on a car that someone dropped off the day before. We had to keep it at the DX over night 'cause it was too busted up to fix in one day.

I slid under the car on the ol' creeper(the thing that mechanics use to slide under cars) and began touchin' up the damages. Mostly rusted metal and soon, I found some blown fuses.

Then, Steve came into the garage from the store where he had been to busy talkin' to Soda to actually do his job. He grabbed my ankle and pulled me out from under the car. I frowned, pulling my leather boot out his grasp. "What is it, Steve?"

He smirked. "Why don't you stick to actin' pretty and helping Sodapop attract customers. I'll work on the car."

My frown grew. I glared at him and said, "Steve, just 'cause I'm a girl, y'all think you're better at fixin' cars than me?"

His smirked grew to match the size of my frown. He pointed to my boot and said, "If the shoe fits! Wear it."

I narrowed my eyes. "Real funny, Randle. Real funny." I stood up and looked him in the eye. "What, do I have cooties, too?"

He nodded and I smirked. I stepped closer to him and he took a step back. He muttered the words, "What are you doing?" nearly under his breath.

My smirk transformed into a maniacal grin as I continued to move closer to Steve. He continued to move away, shaking his head. I said, "What's a matter, buddy? Scared of me?"

He was now corner against a wall. He stayed up against the wall as I moved closer. I only stopped when I was an inch away. He gave me a funny look.

I leaned toward him and gave him a peck on the cheek. He started screaming like a little kid, "Eeeeeeeewww! Cooties!!!!!"

He was trying to metaphorically wipe the kiss of death off his cheek as I chuckled.

All of a sudden, he froze. He was smirking and I could tell that he just had an idea. He turned to look me in the eye. After a long pause, he yelled, "I'm tellin' Dallas!"

My smirk faded as I chased him out the door. Sodapop watched us as we left, rolling his eyes at us for leaving in the middle of work. But, he didn't chase after us or yell at us which was a good sign.

Steve and I raced to my house where Dally was undoubtedly on the couch watching TV. When we got there, Steve yelled, "Hey, Dallas! Ashley's cheatin' on ya!"

I stomped on Steve's foot with the heel of my boot. He winced at the pain as I ran up to Dallas who was struck, dumbfounded. I said, still outta breath, "No, Dal. He's lyin'. I was just makin' fun of him 'cause he thought I couldn't fix a car as good as him. He was actin' childish so I asked him if he believed in cooties. He nodded! I pretended to give him a kiss on the cheek and he freaked! Then, we came here." I was saying everything so fast that even I couldn't understand it too well. But, he seemed to comprehend.

He narrowed him eyes at me, playfully. "I believe ya. You'd never be into Steve, anyway."

Steve raised an eyebrow. "Oh, really?" he said, skeptically.

Dally grabbed me in a hug. "Steve, she's mine. Back off." he groaned.

Steve chuckled. "Good. You could have her. I don't want her, anyway. After all, friendship always last longer than relationships. Plus," he glared at me. "She has cooties."

I whacked him upside the head and the 3 of us walked back to the DX.

When we got there, I realized that Steve had called me a friend... I like that...

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