Greaser beach movie! - chapter 30

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The 4 of us were in Dally's car. The ride was silent except for the sound of rubber hitting concrete. But Dally wasn't going all that fast, this time. Only about 100mph, cause he usually does 150. It was silent up until Dally tried to put his arm around me and Ponyboy coughed, signaling Dally to put his hand back on the wheel. Dally ignored him. Then, Pony grabbed Dallas's and put it back on the wheel. Me and Johnny couldn't help but laugh. Dally rolled his eyes, putting his hands back on the steering wheel.

When we got there, Sodapop ran up to Pony and Johnny and pulled them over to the beach with the rest of the guys. He told me and Dally to go hang out on the boardwalk.

After he left, we went to the car to talk. We didn't want them watchin' us. If he tried to kiss me, Darry would yell, "Hey! Watch it! That's my sister!!!"

When we got to the car, we just sat there. The tension was suffocating. Then, I couldn't take the silence anymore.

"Hey." I said. "What's up?"

He looked up, almost startled by the fact that I talked. Then, he said, "I da know."

I elbowed him. "Ya bored?"

"Nah." he said. "I just don't know what to talk about. What should we talk about?"

"Ummm..." I said, trying to think of something.

Then, I heard someone scream from the bushes, "Just kiss her already!"

"Soda." another voice whispered/screamed at him. "Ya blew our cover." It was Steve.

"Well?" Soda screamed, again.

I rolled my eyes, but then turned to Dally. He kissed me anyway. And in front of the guys, too.

After a long while, Darry cut us off, saying, "Let's try not to suffocate, guys, okay? We came for fresh air, not lack of it." Dally and I stopped and walked to the beach with the guys bugging us. But we were holding hands and wouldn't let go until Darry got annoyed and pulled them apart. He grabbed my hand with his left and Dally's with his right. Dallas tried to pull away, but Darry didn't let him. Darry said, "Come on, Dal. Am I not cute?" In a mocking tone. "Do you pick my sister over me? How rude!" He acted like a Soc girl, outraged at her boyfriend. It sure was funny. Even I cracked up laughing.

Once we reached the beach, we all did our own thing. Sodapop and Steve were throwing sand at each other, Two-bit was trying to make Darry laugh, and Pony, Johnny and I were making a sandcastle. At least, we were until Dallas tapped me on the shoulder. I turned around and he dumped a bucket of water on my head. I was angry with him. Who wouldn't be. Dallas was laughing like crazy. He collapsed in the sand, laughing. While he was laughing, I filled up another bucket of water. I walked up behind him and dumped it on him. He stood up, eyes redder than a flame.

"Come and get me, hood!" I yelled racing by Two-bit and Steve. They saw Dally chasing after me and decided to join in. At least, Two-bit did. He picked up a bucket of water and dumped it on Darry's head. Darry was chasin' him in .4 seconds flat. Then, Sodapop and Steve were throwing buckets of water on each other, too. It was like a chain reaction. Soon enough, Johnny, Pony, and I were chasing Dally. We all had so much fun. We stayed there till 10:30.

We were getting in the car, the 4 of us, when Soda called, "Pony? Johnny? Wanna come in our car? I think there's just enough room."

Pony and Johnny went to the other car. All of us knew that there was never enough room in that car. That wasn't why Sodapop invited them. I think he might have even winked.

The ride home wasn't as awkward as the ride there.

"Man," Dally said, "that sure was fun."

"You bet, hood." I said.

He looked a little upset for a second, then went back to his usual self. "Why do you always call me 'hood'?" he asked.

"Huh?" I asked.

"I don't like that you call me that." he said. "I'm more than that." his voice almost cracked with the incoming tear flow that I was wondering if he'd let through.

"I know." I said, feeling bad for him. "What should I call you?"

"I don't know." he said. "I just feel like I'm... I'm alone... And no one knows how I feel... And what I'm really like... They all call me hood... Or greaser... Or that guy... No one really knows me."

I looked at him and grinned. "I do."

He looked at me. "No one understood me... Until you came along."

"How about I just call you Dally... If you should be called anything... It should be who you are..."

We grinned at each other until Dally said, "I'd like that."

That was a good night. I got home and went right to sleep. I was beat and needed to rest. I crashed on the couch. Everyone went home to there own house.(Except for Johnny who went home to the lot.)

The day was done. I wished I could watch the sunset, but the window was on the opposite side, the east. I love to watch the sunset.

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