You've been searching for some sort of weird death with Sam Winchester. Nothing pops up and you get frustrated. You decide to quit and see what Dean was doing at this time. You walk up to his door and knock politely.
"Who's there?" You hear his voice on the other side.
"Dean, it's me (y/n)." I reply in my best bitch accent. He opens the door and let's me in. For once, the place isn't trashed anymore and there's a pile of guns that he was cleaning. You look around since it's reorganized.
"Damn boy, you haven't been sleeping well have you?" You ask impressed by taking in the sweet smell of gun powder and wet, drenched in chemical cleaner rags.
"Not at all, Sammy has been up in the middle of the night recently." He answers my question honestly.
"Fair, when he doesn't rest easy, none of us do." You replied. He nods and sits back down where he's working on cleaning guns and sharpening knives."Would you like help with that?" You ask looking down at him amused.
"If you want to." He says. So, You sit down across from him and pick up a dull silver hunting knife. You start sharpening it. Dean glances up and goes back to work.
Thirty minutes passed and we were only half way through it when Dean stops working and looks at you directly staring it your (e/c) eyes and he coughs. This gets your attention and you put down a guns chamber."Yes?" You ask.
"Well, I got to wondering about you." He said.
"What does that mean?" You ask again confused.
"I want to be yours, I'd follow you like I'd follow Sam." He said.
"Dean, I don't understand." You ask even more confused.
"I mean I love you, to Hell, Heaven, Purgatory, Space, anything, and back." He replies more in depth.
"I'm speechless." You reply looking into the green eyes.
"Then don't say anything but yes or no to this, will you accept me as your boyfriend?" He asked nervously.
"Yes, now and forever." You reply and you feel the weight of his gaze into your (e/c) eyes and he smiles so happily.
"Then get over here love." He says patting his lap.You get up and go around the piles of weapons. Then, you sit on Dean's lap and he wraps his arms around you. You tuck your head underneath his chin feeling his stubble on your scalp never felt as relaxing as this. To make things better as he starts to rock you, he kisses your head and rubs your back.

Supernatural Shorts
FanfictionI own nothing within the Supernatural, I just enjoy this show. You will see Dean, Sam, and Cas. I may add more into the future. You've got it all from imagines, to short stories, even small inserts. Every so many reads, I do a special that is betwee...