Movie Date Night: Sam x Reader

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You wake up to the feeling of Sam Winchester lightly shaking your shoulder. You ignored the sweet whisper of your name escaping his lips. You rolled over to your side and he started poking you in the cheek. He sat down on the edge of your bed and poked you again.

"(Y/n)" he pesters again.

"Mmmmm." You groan as you open your eyes slowly.
"Did I wake thou?" He asks.
"Piss off, I was having an amazing dream." You reply with a fake attitude. He laughs at that comment and you get up.
"The reason why I'm waking you up is because, I wanted to ask you something." He replied.
"What would Sam Winchester want from me?" You ask.
"I would like to know if you'd watch a nerdy movie with me." He asked scratching the back of his head curiously.
"Yeah, okay." You say as you two get up off the bed.
You met him on the couch and started your first movie. Slowly you notice him scooting closer. He intertwined his fingers with yours. You look at him and he looks at you with a cute goofy smile.

"You drunk Sam?" You ask in a fake innocent voice. He shrugs.
"Perhaps not yet." He says as he leans in closer. You take that chance caress his cheek. He looks at you passionately and he traces your lips with his finger.
You lean in and smash your lips against his. The world felt as if it melted away. You moved your hands down and grab the neck of his shirt and use that for balance as you broke away. He looks at you in amazement.

"(Y/n)." He said lightly.

"Yes Sammy?" You ask.
"You are an amazing kisser, did you know that?" He asks a bit embarrassed.
"So I am told." You reply. You loved where he was going with this. He leans back and his fingers move from your hand to your cheek.
You relaxed on it and he pulled you in to relax you on his lap. He stroked your hair and watched you watch the movie. Later, you felt him shift you as he laid down next to you. This woke you up ever so slightly and he notice you move in discomfort. You adjusted and got comfy real fast.

"I love you." He whispered in your ear and wrapped his arm over you.

"I love you too, Sammy." You reply. He kept you embraced and you fell asleep. The movie still playing in the background. Setting the relaxing scene.

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