You were schooling some drunk kids in a pool match when a man around your age knocks every ball into the hole with his bare hands. You looked up at the lack of guys who grabbed their money and you grabbed yours. You got a few beers and drank some. You decide to order a round for a couple across from you.
He came. The man who ruined your game came up and flirted with you. Upset, you went outside for fresh air when that same guy you saw inside comes stumbling up.
"Hi, sorry. I couldn't help it." He apologizes as he looks down into your (e/c) eyes and you stare up into his beautiful apple green eyes.
"And who is this apologizing to me this time?" You asked amused.
"Dean Winchester. And you are?" He smiles.
"(F/n) (l/n)." You reply.Sam;
You were reading up on some Mythology for a history class you were taking online. You heard some desperate whispers behind you. That's when you look back and see a tall man bent over an old leather bound book and a shorter man looking at you. You turn back shaking your head as you go back to reading.
You heard one of up them get up and you felt them standing over you. Confused, you saw the taller one looking at your book.
"May I sit?" He asks pointing at a chair next to you. You smile as he waits.
"Go on ahead." You answer.
"Thanks." Hep plops into it still watching you,
"I'm Sam." He greeted with a dimpled smile. He was handsome. He held out his hand for a handshake.
"(Y/n)." You replied lightly. You took his gentle hand and shook it lightly.Cas;
It was December. There was snow all over the ground. You decided to take a stroll in the sunset to take pictures for your friend in the hospital. You snapped a beautiful one of a snowman near the pavement.
You put your camera back in you pocket. You knew it got cold around here but, not like this. You pulled your scarf up a little more and threw your gloveless hands in your jeans pockets. You saw a man in a tan trench coat.
You approached.
"Hello." You greeted startling the man from a blank overhead stare.
"Uh. Hi." He replies nervously.
"You okay?" You ask.
"Yes. I am fine may I ask you your name?" The man replies simply.
"(Y/n)." You answer sweetly.
"(Y/n). I like that. My name is Castiel." He says with a bit of warmth in his cheeks.

Supernatural Shorts
FanfictionI own nothing within the Supernatural, I just enjoy this show. You will see Dean, Sam, and Cas. I may add more into the future. You've got it all from imagines, to short stories, even small inserts. Every so many reads, I do a special that is betwee...