This Isn't You Deanmon x Reader Pt. I

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You heard that your closest friend has gone missing. Sam his brother, has been looking for weeks with no success. He asked if you could come down to their bunker and help look. You packed your bags and tossed them into the trunk.
Driving down the road was long and exhausting. You drove two days just to get there. Sure, you had a few hours of sleep every once and a while but, you were up. When you arrived you saw Sam come outside and walk around to the trunk which, you popped it and he grabbed your bags.

"Good Afternoon Sammy." You smiled.
He didn't look too hot, his right arm was in a cast, he looked as if he hasn't slept in days.

"Afternoon (y/n)." He replies leaving one bag for you to grab. You grabbed it and went inside. Sam showed you around.
"And finally, this is the kitchen." He said opening the door. You looked in and nodded.
"Thanks for inviting me to help search for Dean." You said.
"Yeah, if I got this correct, Dean was resurrected by Crowley and the First Blade." He went into depth. It was very interesting.
"So, where do you think he's at?" You ask.
"I want to say North of Wisconsin." He answered.
"Okay, want me to drive up there and see what I can dig up?" You ask another sweet quick question.
"If you'd like to. I'll come with." He beamed.
"Okay." You smiled. You both went to the rooms you were staying in and grabbed a bag of clothes. You met Sam by 'Baby', Dean's 67' Chevy Impala.

"You ready?" He asked you.
"I guess as ready as I'll ever be." You lied. You were now getting nervous about facing his older brother. It has been years since you've guys officially seen each other.
You sat in the passenger's side of the Baby and Sam got in the drivers. Pushing back the seat, almost throwing you.

"How 'bout I drive?" You suggest.
"Yeah." He agrees and you switch places.

***In Wisconsin***

'Ring. Ring. Ring.' Your phone goes off.
Picking it up you checked the ID.
'Dean Winchester Calling' you shivered as you pressed answer.

"Hello?" You greeted the other line.

"(Y/n)." He said in a seductive/confident way. This made you uncomfortable.
"Yes Dean?" You ask as if nothing is wrong.
"I sense you covering up something. Just a friendly word of advice. Don't start looking for me, I get you." He said over the line. You looked at Sam.
"Yeah, okay?" You said in a smooth voice. He couldn't sense anything wrong with your voice.
"Thank you. Goodbye (y/n)." He finished and ended the call. You handed your phone and Sam traced it. You got the location when Crowley showed up in the backseat.

"Hello lovelies." He said. You got so shocked that you swerved big time.

"Damn it Crowley! Are you trying to gt us all killed?!" You screamed.
"No no no. I'm handing Dean over to you two, he's too much of a problem." Crowley said then he disappeared. You looked at Sam and he looks at you and shrugged. You kept driving until you stopped at a motel and waited for Sam.

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