When You Are Sad

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Literally is mad that someone made you upset and goes out to your favorite restaurant. He buys your favorite food and drives back. He then brings you close while you eat and jokes around as he runs his fingers up and down the middle of your back. You smile at the fact that he's going through this much trouble so, you place a kiss on his lips to get him to shut up.

Rolls you up like a burrito and places you in front of the tv. You two do a marathon of your absolute favorite movie/and/or/television show. You watch whatever is put in front of you and he just sits there with you even though it may not be his favorite thing. You tell him thank you and you go to bed.
He joins soon afterwards.

Respects your privacy if it is that bad. He will get you anything at all. You tell him you don't need anything and he just simply hugs you. Reminding you that you are absolutely beautiful and he'd do anything to make you happy.
You smile and he smiles passionately as you kiss him on the cheek.

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