You Are a Dork: Sam x Reader

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"Hell yeah!" You scream after defeating an enemy on a game you were playing. You were so happy you actually beat him after a calculation of Twenty tries. You see Dean poke his head in the library entry. He looks tired.

"(Y/n), it's Five in the freaking morning. Me and Sammy are so tired." Dean says instantly not trying to go harsh.

"Sorry Dean. I got a little excited." You reply turning off your computer. Dean looks at you in your (e/c) eyes and shrugs.
"It's alright. Goodnight (y/n)." He says with a yawn. You wave and he leaves. Then, Sam Winchester himself Clem's downstairs.

"Hey Sam." You greet Sam with a very happy 'Good Morning' ring to it.

"Morning (y/n)." He replies the greeting with the same kind of tone.
"And how is my favorite Winchester doing this morning??" You ask hoping he's not seeing you blush. You liked Sam a lot. Like, a lot a lot.
"Oh you know, checking on my little sister. Why'd you yell?" He all of a sudden asks curiously.
"I can show you." You reply as you point at your shut down computer.
He looks at you with fake suspicion.
"Uh... okay." He agrees as he pulls a chair right next to you. You start up your computer and open your game. You look at him as he was drawn to your game.

"Do you want to try?" You ask the attractive moose.

"Sure." He replies with a 'Happy That You Noticed' face. You trade places with Sam and instead of sitting down, you stand behind him. He doesn't notice.


It must've been an hour when you left Sam to your game. You decided to go and start breakfast. Not soon after you put the eggs on the stove, Sam walks in, smiling.

"What's up Smug?" You ask with your cocky smile.

"Come see for yourself." He replies. You put the stove on low so you could see what the moose was up to. He motions for you to play the game.
You follow what he instructed you to do and you notice words. He created a level all on his own? You continue clicking the move button and the words spell out.

'Will you go out with me, (y/n)?' The words played out in your mind like a broken record. You turn around and jump on him. He catches you.

"I love you, you-" You were cut off by Sam kissing you. It was small but, passionate. He looks at you like a hunger was satisfied.
"I love you too." He replies.

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