Black Eyes: Demon!Dean x Reader

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(This takes place in Season 4, Castiel didn't save Dean in time and he climbed out of hell to be with his true love, You!)

Dean is your boyfriend and he is in Hell. It has been months since you heard from Sam. You are at Bobby's house. He let you stay after you vanquished an entire vampire nest.
You decide to get ready to call one of them when you hear something whoosh outside.
You grab your shotgun and check the demon traps and salt lines. None of them are broken so you peak outside and see no one there. All of a sudden you see him standing there. Dean bloody Winchester in the flesh.
You open the door happily to see him approaching but stopping at the salt line.

"Dean, come on in." You said cheerful at the conversations you were going to have.

"There's a slight complication." He replied. You look at him confused.
"What do mean slight?" You ask squinting and pondering why he hasn't crossed the salt line yet. He looks down and closes his eyes. He looks back up at you and they are completely black, like the night itself.

"Dean, you climbed out of Hell and now you're a demon?" You ask as he flicks his eyes back to the comforting green.
"Yes, I've the who nine-yards-deluxe-freaking-package. He says.
"Damn it Dean, now I have to break the Devil's trap and salt line for you." You said faking my pout.
"You don't have to, I can understand if you don't want to see me anymore." He replies.
"Don't you dare talk like that, you're still the same man I fell in love with three months ago." You counter his comment aggressively sassy. He looks at you with fake hope in his eyes. You then, scratch the line and the trap so he could get in.
When he did get in You redid all of them and closed the door. You popped open a beer while Dean sat across from me.
"Sorry man, none for you since it has Holy Water in it." You said and he fake pouted. You took a swig and say it down on the table.
He walked over and held out his hand which you took and he pulled you up. He used his physic powers to turn on the radio and you two danced for hours. Once the (song of your choice) ended he looks at you in you (e/c) eyes and gives you a worried look.

"Yes?" You ask.
"Do you still love me, even with black eyes?" He asks.
"My final answer is of course!" You said. Before he could say anything else you kissed him nothing quick. You gave him a nice long kiss which he broke.
"What's the best part of being a demon is now I can fuck with Sam's mind."
"Let's not." I replied and he laughed.

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