I Know: Sacred!Sam x Reader

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The sound of Sam tossing and turning in his sleep awakens you from a dream. You turn your body towards his. He looks really uneasy. He continues to throw himself from side to side.
You gently shook the unhappy moose. His eyes open and he chokes on a scream for a second. You got nervous. He's sweating a lot.

"Sammy?" You ask worried.

"(Y/n)." He replies still with an uneasy look.
"Are you o-" you were cut short by him placing his index finger on your lips. You push it away and he looks at you with a fake bold look.
"Sam, I see what you're doing. It ain't going to work." You said.
"It was just clowns." He replied shuddering at the last word.
"Oh Sammy." You sighed. You push away a loose strand of hair out of his face.
"I know." He says under his breath.
"Why don't you take a shower? I'll be here with something for you to munch on." You asked.
"Yeah. Okay." He agreed to your plan and he left you alone in his unlit room.

You got up and went into the kitchen. You could hear Sam in the shower. Walking up to the fridge you realized he still had some leftover chicken salad. So, you opened the fridge and rooted around.
You grabbed the salad as Dean walks in. Wearing a navy blue bathrobe he looked at you sleepily. You didn't notice until he coughed while making a cup of coffee. That's something he hardly drinks unless, Sammy was going through a tough night.

"Another one?" He asked with a following yawn. You jumped at his booming confident voice.

"Yeah." You replied while shutting the fridge with the cool salad boxed up in your arms.
"Clowns or midgets?" He sighed.
"Clowns." You returned.
"Well, you go deliver his rabbit food. I'm going to have a cup. Mine if I use your laptop to search for a job?" He asked in a polite tone.
"Knock yourself out." You waved your hand. He left you in the kitchen with his cup and you returned to Sam's room. Good timing too, as soon as you got back to his room you heard the facet turn off.
He came out in the same T-shirt and sweats as earlier. His hair matted all over the place. He sat down and you followed.

"My poor Sammy." You said as you handed him the salad. He took it gently from your hands and started eating.

"I will be okay." He claimed with a small smile.
"You always are." You replied with a cute sexy tone. He glances up at you and laughed a bit under his breath.
"You know (y/n), I never got to thank you for putting up with me since the day we first got together." He said.
"It's nothing. I mean, come on. We're family now." You huffed. You told him this three weeks ago.
"I know." He replies and sets the empty plate on his bed side table and you two lay down side by side.
He messes with your hair. You shut out your light and fall asleep to him snoring peacefully.

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