The One Pt.I Dean x Reader

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(Warning; Contains mature content. Read at own risk.)

Dean's P.O.V:

'That Son of a Bitch.' I thought. I was with Sammy in the sewers hunting down a Shape Shifter when he jumped me. My face is covered up and I am unable to move.
I grunt at the pain in my left side. He must've done a number on me when I was out cold. I wiggle out of the ragged top covering my face to get a view of my surroundings. I see a girl right across from me staring into my eyes with her (e/c) eyes.
She's only in a white bra and black underwear. I can distinctly make out a tattoo on her hip. Perhaps, an anti possession symbol or a dragon? She quickly breaks the glance and pretends to be unconscious.
It's coming back.

Your P.O.V:

'Good, he's awake.' You think. You watch him for a moment. He meets Your gaze and looks at you up and down.
He then sees the tattoo poking out of your underwear line on your right hip. Then you hear distant footsteps of heeled boots to the North. You instantly "pass out" to trick the damned thing. You can hear it coming in and heading straight for you, ignoring the man behind it. It grabs your dirty (h/c) hair and yanks a bit.

"Playing 'dead' are we now?" It asks with an evil smile. Your eyes instantly open.

"Better than-" You start to say before it cuts you off.
"I'm you right now, I have your memories and ideas." It says maniacally.
"Then, piss off." You reply. It chucks you down and you hit your head on a pipe, knocking you out. It turns around and laughs at Dean.

Dean's P.O.V:

I watched as the Shape Shifter threw down that poor girl. It turns to me laughing like an annoying CD.

"Well well. So sweet that you tried to take me on while your brother ran like a coward." It says to me.

"He's no coward, he'll come back." I say.
"I'll keep him busy." He replies and changes its form. It was a hideous sight as it threw up its skin, organs, liver etc. The Shale Shifter took my form and ripped Sammy's necklace off of my neck and put it on itself.

"I picked a good one this time. Better than that wee girl. She's a hunter, kills my kind." It says to me getting in my face.

"Then she knows how to kill many." I reply cockily.
"On to distracting your brother. He won't suspect a thing." It tells me and leaves. I look at the girl and notice my hands are bound with rope.
I hit it against a sharp metal and break free. I untie the girl and wake her up. She's very pretty.

Your P.O.V:

You wake up to the man who was bound in front of you. He looks down at you and smiles. You recognize him anywhere. Dean Winchester, son of John Winchester.

"Well Dean Winchester, I don't know wether I should kiss you or thank you." You say in thanks.

"Let's hold that until we get out of here." He replies a bit overjoyed at that.
"Okay, he threw my clothes over there." You say as you slowly sit up. He retrieves your (f/s) clothes and boots. You pull them on and strap your gun in the holster. He waits for you at the north entrance.
You two walked for an hour and exited the sewers.

"Where is the Bastard heading?" You ask.
"Follow me." Dean replies. He starts to walk off before Sam runs into him.

"Dean, there you are." Sam says in a relived tone.

"Heya Sammy." He replies.

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