The One Pt.II

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(A few hours later back at Sam and Dean's motel room...)

Your P.O.V:

"Did you do the silver test?" You ask Dean.

"Yeah yeah. He's clean." He replies.
"Don't get cocky with me Winchester." You boss and he jumps a bit.
"Sorry (y/n). It's only that some asshat is walking around with my skin. I'm a bit violated." He admits.
"Not the first time though." You reply. Of course you knew about the mishap in St.Louis a few years back. He looks at you embarrassed.

Dean's P.O.V:

'Sexy, smart, and strong. I like that.' I thought. She looks through me with her piercing beautiful (e/c) eyes. They have gentleness but, they have fury.

"What do you propose we do?" She asks me.

"Well, I say we all split up and look for him." I reply.
"Deal." She says and she starts to walk out the door. I grab her hand before she gets to the door.
"What?" She asks. All of a sudden I'm nervous.
"Uh. Be careful." I tell her. She blushes a bit.
"Will do. You too." She replies and I let go of her soft hand. She leaves and I pack up some guns and go out looking for the Shape Shifter.

Your P.O.V:

We all split up to look for the Shape Shifter but, part of you didn't want to go. The way he grabbed your hand was out of worry. You felt bad leaving him behind but, you'll cover more ground this way. Plus, it's smart.
You walk down Main Street and spot Dean? No. He said he would cover the Western side of town while you covered the Southern side. The shifter walks toward you just like Dean and smiles.

"Hello baby." It says smiling at you. You play along.

"Why hello." You return the greeting cheerfully.
"How about we go back to the motel?" It asks.
"I agree." You say. You reach up and trace its lips and walk off as seductively as you could. The monster follows you, unable to resist.
You made it to an alleyway and slowly draw out your gun. When you turn around the Shifter pushes you against the wall and kisses you passionately on the lips. You put the gun to its chest while it was busy and pull the trigger.
The shifter fell in surprise and goes limb. You put the gun away and call Dean.

"Hello?" Dean speaks first.

"I killed it." You reply without greeting. You stare at the lifeless Shape Shifter and the blood pool it is laying in. There's an awkward silence for a moment and a happy laugh.
"What?" You ask not helping to smile as you quickly walk away from the body in the alley.
"You just killed me." He replies jokingly.
"I know, you couldn't resist me." You state in truth.
"That's right, I can't." Dean agrees.
"I'll meet you at the motel." You said.
"Okay, we'll be alone. Sammy is going out to the bar." He replies. He hangs up and you walk all the way back to the motel.

Dean's P.O.V:

I drive Baby back to the motel and walk inside. (Y/n) is already there sitting on the bed reading about Heaven and Hell. I get us two beers out of the small fridge in the kitchen area and return. I sit down and hand her a beer.
She places her book on the counter and pops open the cap. She takes a swig out of the bottle and places it next to the book. There's nothing but silence for a long moment. She looks at the ground in something of the feeling of loneliness.

"What's wrong (y/n)?" I ask her. She throws her arms around me and pulls me in tight.

"I was so scared." She replies.
"I thought I shot you instead of the Shifter." She says again. I wrap my arms around her more petit body and hug her for a while.
"You knew." I reply in a motherly tone.
"Not until I saw its reaction to the bullet." She admits. She's not crying. I let her go and place my hand on her cheek.
I kiss her on the lips and she accepts it. She tenderly rubs my back and we let go. I place my hand back on her cheek and trace her lips with my thumb. Her lips are very soft and sweet.
She lays down and I lay next to her. She props her head on my chest and I hold her position. We both start to fall asleep
"Do you love me?" She asks.
"(Y/n). If I were in Hell, I'd climb out for you. If I were in Heaven, I'd fall for you. If I were in Purgatory, I'd escape somehow to find you." I reply.
"Funny. I'd do the same thing for you." She replies.
I close my eyes and smile. For she is mine, now and on. We will do anything for each other. It's us three against the world.
Partners in crime.

(This short goes along with Black Eyes. A Oneshot I did in the past.)

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