How He Accidentally Hurt You

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He snapped at you-
You were nervous about your boyfriend Castiel. He's been gone for almost two weeks now. It wasn't like him disappearing for that long. Normally he'd be back in days at most.
You tried praying to him, calling him, and calling the Winchester brothers. None worked so you tried praying one more time.

"Cas. If you can hear me please..." You whispered. There was a moment of silence and then the flutter of wings entered your room. You turn around to see a scowling Angel.

"Ca-..." You begin to say when he butts in.

"Listen, I'm in the middle of War. I can't always come when you call. Do you thing I'm some commanding lap dog?" He asked aggressively.
You were shocked. Then you felt the hole in your stomach. The tears starting to brew as you turned away and walked out the door. When you left Cas knew what he had done.
You walked to the playground and sat on an old rickety bench and wiped your eyes. Young children jumped around screaming happily. This made you smile. Then you heard his wings flapping behind you.

"I'm sorry (y/n)." Castiel apologies hoping you'd take it.

"You know I don't see you as a lap dog to do my bidding. I only wanted to know if you were alright." You replied.
"I know, I shouldn't have yelled at you. It was unintentional. I'm just so stressed with everything going on." He sighed sitting next to you.
You place a hand on his. Looking up to his unnatural blue eyes you smile.
He returns your smile, his eyes singing the song of Heaven that you loved.

"I love you." He said kissing your nose.

He doubt's your idea-
Dean was super stressed out with everything going on. It was about time he gets out for a night of looking at the stars on the Impala's (if you wanna call her baby I get it.) hood. You got up from studying the perfect spot and went up to Dean's room. You knock lightly.

"Come in." He shouted through the door. You opened the door and slipped in closing it behind you. You had a map underneath your arm.
He had his head in his hands as he slouches over his lap.

"I wanted to know if you wanted to view the night sky with me and Sammy tonight?" You suggested sweetly. He looked up to you mostly. Sometimes he'd question something dangerous but, you'd never expect this.
"I don't think that's a good idea. I mean come on, so many things could happen.-" He started.
"Listen Dean. I know you're worried about me getting hurt but, did it ever occur to you that I'm old enough to make a decision to have fun?" You asked a little irritated. What happened to the 'I'm all up for that' Dean?
"Yes but, I don't want you getting hurt. There's too much going on." He said.
This hurt you that he didn't wanna get out to go enjoy something you haven't been able to in years.
You gave up and walked out. You sat down on the couch letting your head droop down. A few silent minutes later a crying Dean came out and sat next to you. You looked up and glared.

"(Y/n)-" he started.

"Don't you dare (y/n) me. All I wanted was to go out with you two and relax." You huffed angrily.
"I know." Is all he could say. You were red hot and tense.
"I try for you but, you can't be happy." You said.
"I am when I'm with you. I'm sorry for second guessing you." He apologized. You saw his pleading green eyes pierce you.
"It's okay I'll accept. If you will take me and Sammy to the bar." You smirked smugly.
"Okay." He smiled pulling you closer to his warm body.

He ditched you-
"Y/n!" You heard Sammy calling your name as you walked away from the bunker with most of your clothes packed in a duffle bag. He left you alone at the movies for a few hours when you decided to walk back and get out of here. He was running after you. The tall moose like man stopped you by setting a hand on your shoulder forcing you to stop.
"(Y/n). Listen it wasn't like that." He said huffing out of breath.

"Yeah. Like how you just ditched me at the theater in the heat? You just up and left with me trying to follow you." You countered.
"There was something after you." He replied to recenter the problem.
"Did you use me as bait?" You asked scowling. He remained silent.
"You did." You answered your own question. You shook his hand on your shoulder.
"It was so very inappropriate." He looked down into your (e/c) eyes. You looked up into his blue/green eyes and waited.
"I shouldn't have done that. I should've taken it out when we should have been coming back. I'm so very sorry. Will you accept my apology?" He pleaded with a small smile.
"I do." You replied relaxing. You knew he'd never hurt you intentionally.
"Thank you." He said.
"Don't mention this to Dean." You warned as you turned towards the bunker.
"I won't. I love you." He said.
"Love you too." You returned.

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