Never On Your Own: Castiel x Reader Pt.I

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Your P.O.V:

You always hated the subtle silence in the bunker rooms. You babysat the bunker when Sam and Dean went on a large hunt. You cleaned out some guns and sharpened knives. As you finished a colt you heard knocking at the door.
You got up and walked over to the door and checked the peephole. There stood a bloodied and scared Castiel. Instantly you opened the door and he zoomed in. Slamming the door behind him he was shaking.

"Cas. What the Hell happened to you?" You ask, nervous for the little Angel in his tan trench coat. He looks into your (e/c) eyes with his striking blue ones.

"I uh... I can't talk about it, you'd be in danger too." He replies. This rose a lot of red flags.
"Cas." You stated as you crossed your arms. He didn't budge.
"(Y/n), it's about me getting in an Angel's business. Now they are after me. He breathes.
"Oh, Castiel. What am I going to do with you." You huffed.
"I don't know." He replies.
"Go get cleaned up." You sweetly command. He nods and leaves your presence.

Castiel's P.O.V:

I left her alone in the living area of the large bunker that Sam and Dean own so I could clean up. I grab a black washcloth out of the cabinet and get it wet. I then wipe my hands, face, and my ankle clean.
I heard (y/n) shuffling around to look for lemon juice to soak my clothes in to bring out the blood stains. (Y/n). So kind and gentle but, won't back down for those she loves. I pushed the next thought about of my head and stuck my head underneath the shower facet.
The warm water washed out all the dried blood in my hair. I had time to heal but not change. I sighed as I continued to think of her. I hear a knock and I turn off the facet.

"Yes?" I ask.

"I found some extra clothes for you to wear until we get your clothes cleaned. It's Dean's but, I figured he wouldn't mind." She replies sounding a bit tired.

"Thanks." I reply opening/hiding behind the door and taking the plaid shirt, white undershirt, jeans, and socks out of her arms. She nods and walks away. I shut the door and change into the clothes.
No wonder Sam and Dean likes these. They're comfortable. I made sure they were fitted and emerge from the bathroom and into the living area. I look to see (y/n) back to cleaning guns and sharpening the knives.

Your P.O.V:

You could feel Castiel behind yourself as he watched you disable the last gun and clean it. As you were rebuilding it and he swung you around and pulled you in a tight embrace. You were a bit confused about the Angel's sudden awkward movements. You followed anyway, resting your arms on his shoulders he swayed you back and forth.

"Cas-" you were cut off by the angel shushing you. You could feel the light tears running down his face as they hit your left shoulder.

"Cas. Are you okay?" You ask and get a head shake in return.

(So not sorry for cutting it short. 🐿)

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