Chapter 34

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Chapter 34


Leora wasn't herself. I knew this from how she was acting and I knew I needed to help her but having her so close... It was what I have always wanted. She was with me always and whilst I didn't like the reasons behind her needing me. I liked that she could trust me enough to seek my protection.

It had been two weeks now and she was with me every waking and sleeping moment. I had only left her alone for brief moments and every time she was with one of my men. Yet, each time, I returned she had the same panicked look in her eyes.

She had helped me to plan and organise the celebration of the winter solstice as well as the home visits I carry out every three months, checking in with my pack members. Being more active in the pack affairs has helped them to accept her and treat her with the respect her title deserves.

However, I still see her flinch when some of the male wolves get too near or even when I lose grip on my temper. I had hurt her in ways I couldn't even imagine and if I was being truthful with myself I had to admit that I had become no better than the man she had run from. I needed to be better. I wasn't the man my parents had raised me to be. I wasn't the Alpha my father had entrusted to lead this pack.

Now, I was tasked with uniting the surrounding Alphas in our fight against the mysterious actor who was stealing our pups and doing Goddess knows what with them.

The other alphas would begin to arrive tomorrow and I was anxious to have so many challenging wolves in my pack territory. Especially, around my mate. She had already been through so much I didn't want to subject her to any more pain. However, if I was to protect our pack I needed to do this.

'Breadon?' She mumbled against my chest. I had been too anxious to sleep most of the night but I knew she wouldn't sleep without me near. I needed her well rested for the Alphas arrivals the following day and that meant being by her side and holding her close.

'Hey, baby girl,' I smiled. She shifted so her eyes found mine and I couldn't help but hold her closer.

'Did you sleep?' She said around a yawn and I couldn't resist gently running my hand through her messy blonde hair.


'You need to sleep,' she scolded, her forehead dipping into an adorable frown. 'You need to be thinking straight when all those alphas arrive tomorrow.'

'I'll be fine as long as I have you by my side,' I smirked, knowing it would make her blush.

'You're embarrassing,' she mumbled, burying her face in my chest again.

'Only for you baby.' I said, leaning down and placing a kiss in her hair.

'What are we doing today?' She replied, artfully trying to change the subject.

'Can't we stay here all day?' I groaned, rolling us so she was beneath me. Her laughter filled the room sending warmth through my body. I loved that sound.

'Breadon,' she giggled, halfheartedly pushing on my chest to get me to move. Why had I wasted so much time before now acting like an ass?

'You're beautiful, Leora,' I breathed before I pressed several kisses along her slender neck. I felt her body react to me instantly but like every other time I had her in this position I pulled back. She reached out a hand to keep me in place but I had already moved so I was sat on the edge of the bed. It was getting harder and harder to restrain myself. I wanted more with her. I wanted to be more to her. I was still so uncertain of her feelings towards me. I was afraid if I got too close or revealed too much I would spook her.

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