Chapter 36

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Chapter 36

Breadon gripped my hand beneath the table, giving it a gentle squeeze when Alpha Terrance slid another sleazy comment into the conversation. I wasn't sure how much more of it I could take. Not only was he openly sexualising me but I didn't miss the little caresses beneath the table.

Although, I couldn't be certain it was him and not one of the other Alphas in the room. The only one I could trust was Jayden who sat beside me. His eyes vigilant for those looks some of the men would send me.

The first time Alpha Terrance gripped my knee beneath the table I had knocked my glass of water over sending the wolves who were serving us into a titter. Napkins came from everywhere to clear the mess as I apologised profusely for the chaos I had caused. It seemed to follow me no matter where I was.

When I had looked back across the table at Terrance he wore a sly smirk on his face. Casually, he had placed his arm lazily on the back of his mate, Penny's chair as if he hadn't been the cause of all the madness.

'I regret allowing you to talk me into coming tonight,' Breadon whispered against my ear as the salad was placed in front of us. His hand was low on my back, the heat burning easily through my thin lace dress and heating my entire body.

The other Alphas were already well into the drink, their voices only growing as the number of empty glasses present on the table increased.

Breadon was still nursing his first and stopped his pack members from refilling it when they came round.

'Have I told you how beautiful you look tonight?' He murmured against the sensitive skin on my neck. I couldn't control the shiver that convulsed through your body and I knew Alpha Terrance hadn't missed it either. 'Because you have not only stolen my breath but that of every male in this room.' His last words elicited a small growl from him as he cast a threatening glance towards the other men at the table.

'Breadon.' I tried to scold but it came out as a breathy whisper and Breadon was quick to take advantage of my weakness. His hand on my back slipped lower as his kiss found his mark. He inhaled deeply as my body became mush under his touch. How could he even be doing this to me in front of all these other males?

As if he suddenly had the same thought his hand retracted to a safer place on my back and he instead said against my ear, 'Eat, baby girl.' Then he disappeared completely, sitting back in his chair at the head of the table. I was at his right-hand side followed by Jayden and then all the rest of the alphas and their betas. Koron sat at the other end of the table and I noticed the look he was shooting his brother which was currently a strange mix of amusement and disapproval.

When Koron's gaze met mine, I ducked my head and started to move my salad around my plate. I didn't want to meet anyone's gaze anymore. I was tired and it was only the first course.

When the salad was taken away I had barely eaten a leaf of lettuce and still my stomach twisted as a hand brushed my knee again. My eyes snapped to Alpha Terrance across from me and all he did was smirk.

'So, Leora? How have you been settling in with Breadon's Pack? I trust they have welcomed you warmly,' Alpha Terrance probed innocently but behind his eyes, I knew he was hiding darker motives. His facade was nothing but an illusion for the scheming man that was hiding beneath.

'It was difficult at first,' I began cautiously. 'But I am settling in better now.'

'I must admit you are very much a mystery to many of the Packs that surround Breadon's. The only news we heard of you was when you escaped into Crimson,' he chuckled as my face flamed. I sensed both Breadon and Jayden stiffen beside me. I couldn't help but wonder what Alpha Terrance would gain from this line of questioning. At most, he would get a rise out of Breadon but to what end?

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