Chapter 8

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After the story Diana told me, I started to feel like we were so much closer now. Like I actually understand her. When she finished telling her story I took her over to Nandos. She looked like she could eat something, & she didn't tell me that she was getting bullied back at The Zetter Townhouse ( the hotel where we both live ). But I knew. Sometimes, I would just walk around the Hotel, and i'd see Diana, and girls who would pass by and say hurtful things to her, and before I could stick up for her, she'd run off. So to make sure she keeps eating, im taking her to Nandos. No one could say no to this food.

We walked in and we're guided to a booth far from other people. I ordered the original, and Diana ordered a hamburger meal. She was hungry. We talked about random things. She told me a little bit about Maryland. Maybe one day me & the boys could perform there.. She said that back home, she had not a lot of friends, but it didn't matter because Dylan was her best friend. I understood her relationship with Dylan. Me and Greg are really close too. I told her a little about my life before The X factor stuff because she admitted that she was a directioner, so she pretty much knows everything that happened after X factor. I like that she doesn't freak around me, she's so calm....and beautiful.

"You think im beautiful? Like, you weren't just saying that?" She asked, snapping me out of thought.

Oh shit. I said that out loud.... "Yes, I do. You're so very beautiful, Diana"

She blushed and looked down, and I just sat there admired her until our food came.

We laughed, and joked, and had a great time. I saw Diana taking a picture of me with all my food so I smiled for the camera. Then when we were finished, I took her back home.

Diana's POV

I had a great time with Niall today. I loved how he listened to what I said, it was so sweet!

Now we are standing at my door, just staring at each other in silence. I see him lean in and as im about to say something the door opens. "OH HEY GUYS WHATS UP!" Dylan says, pretty loudly.

"Oh nothing, just saying goodbye...." Niall says awkwardly then waves goodbye to me and Dylan then walks away.

"Really Dyl" I say to him as I walk into the living room.

"Yes really" he replies simply.

"Whatever, im going to bed" I say, then head down the hall to my bedroom. I wanted to kiss Niall, but then again, I didn't, because I didn't feel like I was ready to kiss him yet.... I walked pass my moms room and uttered a goodnight to her. "goodnight Diana! Remember you start online high school tomorrow."

"Okay mom" Is all I say.

The only reason im starting online high school Is because im almost done with high school so I might as well finish online.... I walk off to my room and shut the door, then I accidentally tripped on my old pair of shoes. "Shit...." I practically whisper before picking them up and throwing them in my closet. Even though I have a few pairs of new shoes, I keep those for like if I go running, or chores, or whatever.

I change into a red old American eagle tee shirt and an old pair of black sweats before checking the time. 10:35 pm. It wasn't THAT late but I do have a busy day with online school tomorrow. I groaned at the thought of school then dragged myself to bed. As I was about to fall asleep I got a text from Niall.

Niall is the hottest man on earth- Good Night Diana !!! Sleep tight love(: Xx

I laughed at the name he put in a few days ago and responded.

Me- GoodNight Niall(: Sweet dreams to you too! xx

I hit send before setting my phone down and falling asleep with Niall on my mind........ Wait..... WAS I FALLING FOR NIALL?

Wow!! Almost 80 reads! Thanks so much! I hope you like this Chapter!! Its so sweet!! Vote, comment, keep reading and share! I LOVE YOU GUYS!!! & Who cant wait for story of my life?!?! Even better they released the tracking list! I cant wait for Little White Lies & Strong <333 I cant wait for all of it actually!! (: Byeee guys!!

Diana.... ( Niall Horan fanfic )Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora