Chapter 46

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Diana's POV

Today, is christmas morning, and I'm helping Maura cook while Niall is of course, still sleeping. It is fairly early though.

"The cookies are done." I told Maura, putting them on a plate in good order.

"Ohh they look so good darling! Thanks so much! You can go upstairs and freshen up, guest will be here soon." She smiled.

"Are you sure you don't want anymore help?" I raised an eyebrow, I didn't mind helping out.

"I'm sure! You just go on upstairs, Denise will be here soon, she can help. Do us all a favor and wake up Niall? He'll sleep forever if he could." She chuckled and rolled her eyes. I nodded and made my way upstairs.

Niall was still sleeping, so I jumped on him and shook him. "Wake up ugly its christmas!"

He groaned and rolled over and spoke in a raspy voice, "I'm not ugly."

"I know, I know." I laughed, "Now get up!"

He puckered his lips, but i put my hand on his mouth. "Not until you get up."

He sat up and crossed his arms, "Not until I get a kiss babe."

"Okay fine, at the same time." I said, and he agreed. So I grabbed his face and kissed him, and at the same time he slowly got out of bed.

He wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed me harder, backing me up into the wall.

My lips moved gracefully with his, and his tongue entered my mouth and danced around with mine.

My arms went around his neck, as he picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist.

I could barely feel the bulge in his pants, so I got off him and pulled away so we didn't go too far.

"Now get dress. And shower, you smell." I joked, causing him to nudge me with his elbow.

"You smell." he joked back.

"Well hurry up so I can shower next!" I exclaimed, pushing him into the bathroom.

He finished fairly quickly, so I got in after him.

The warm water hit my body, and it was so relaxing. I added strawberry scented shampoo to my hair, and the same brand conditioner. Then I used vanilla body wash, and I carefully shaved my legs for the dress id be wearing.

Maura had given it to me this morning, it was my present. She wants me to wear it, and I will. Its really beautiful.

I got out the shower, seeing Niall wasn't in the room. I changed into the long red lace dress with sheer sleeves. I looked I'm the mirror and marveled at how beautiful it was. I would definitely wear it again.

I slipped on some white platform heels, and put my hair in a perfect side bun.

I did my makeup quickly, and added some red lipstick. When I was done, I made my way downstairs seeing some of Niall's family was already here.

I felt nervous, but was relieved when Niall immediately saw me and came over.

"You look beautiful." He said. I blushed and said thanks.

He introduced me to his cousins and aunts and uncles, who had taken a liking to me. Soon enough, everyone came and we did presents.

I gave Mauras hers first, and she beamed with happiness when she saw it. "I love it! Its so beautiful, thank you love!"

Next, I gave mine to Niall. He undid the paper, and opened the box and his eyes went wide and his mouth fell open.

"Holy shit.... How did you- When did you- This is amazing!" He jumped on me and kissed me many times, "Thank you Thank you! This.. is so great, I love it babe, and I love you."

I chuckled and blushed, "You're welcome, and good thing you like it. It wasn't east to get. But I'm happy I got it for you."

"Now you have to open mine, but compared to this, its weak."

I shook my head and smiled, opening his present. "Niall.... oh my god Niall." I held in my hand a gold bracelet that said Diana on the front and I love you, you're beautiful, on the back. This was perfect. He's perfect.

I put it on the wrist that had hand with the tattoo on it, and smiled at him. "Thank you so much, but you're right. It doesn't compare. Its 100 times better!"

I hugged him and gave him a quick kiss, earning awes from his family.

"Wait! One more gift!" Maura said, handing us a box.

Niall took it and opened it, it was two tickets to Hawaii.

"Mum! I could've paid for this, this must have cost a lot!" Niall worried, but she waved him off.

"Oh hush Niall, it was nothing. You guys deserve it."

I smiled at her, "Thanks so much!"

After the presents, we all sat down and ate. Niall's family is so nice, I just feel bad for not being with my mom and brother, but they're in america with my other family, so I'm glad they aren't alone.

"Niall..." I looked at him as we walked upstairs after everyone went home.

"Yeah babe?" He looked back at me, concerned.

"I just... I love you. You're honestly the best thing that's happened to me in a long time, and I want to thank you for being the best boyfriend." I say, as we entered our room.

"Diana, I love you so much more. I should be thanking you, you are the most amazing girl ever." He wrapped his arms around my waist and smiled at me.

"Merry christmas." I told him.

"Merry christmas beautiful." He said back before kissing me sweetly.



*sorry for mistakes I'm always tired ik dumb excuses but I go over these all and edit them eventually*

Diana.... ( Niall Horan fanfic )Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora