Chapter 18

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"Surprise!!!!" We all yelled as she walked in the room. Her jaw dropped and I walked out to Diana with open arms. Her mouth formed a big smile and she quickly embraced me.

"I thought you forgot!" She said, with her head in my chest.

"I would never, you mean the world to me, I love you."

"Niall, I love you too, so much!" she said, looking into my eyes.

She had already went off to go say hi to everyone when Harry walked over to me 10 minutes later.

"She's really happy mate." He says while patting my back.

"Yeah, its so good to know she's happy, I hated seeing her think we forgot, but it was worth it because now she's delighted!" I said watching Diana make her way to each person, thanking and greeting them.

"Well, you did put a lot of work into it, your a good man Niall." Harry says giving me one last pat in my shoulder before walking off to join Zayn and Perrie.

I went to go join Diana and the 5sos boys in the conversation they were having in the kitchen place thing.

"Hey Niall." Luke says, drawing his attention to me.

"Niall!" Diana says turning around and acknowledging me. She hugged me tight and pecked my cheek. "Thank you for everything, this past month has been amazing, and I got to spend it with the best person ever!"

"Caitlynn?" I said, teasing a bit.

"No stupid! You!!" She said playfully hitting my chest.

"Well in that case you are very welcome". I said giving her a long kiss.

"Well we are gonna leave and go get the cake since it looks like you guys are probably gonna hook up." Ashton says slowing backing up along with Luke Calum, and Michael as they tried not to chuckle.

Diana released me and turned to them, "What do you mean?"

Calum spoke next, "Well, you are 18 now, you can drink now, and Niall is turning 19 in about 2 months, sooo he can already drink."

Diana's eyes lit up at the thought of drinking. Which I liked, myself being from ireland and all.

Michael spoke, "Who knows what's gonna happen next." All the boys broke in a fit of laughter. I hit Michaels chest and he said sarcastically, "Niall just because you can't be in the band doesn't mean you have to hit me."

"I don't wanna be in your pony ass band." I joked.

"HEY! PONYS ARE THE SHIT." Ashton yelled.

"Yeah yeah Ashton, let's go get the damn cake." Luke said, chuckling while pulling along Ashton and the boys.

I went to the cooler and pulled out to beers. I handed Diana one and said "Cheers to the best girlfriend ever!"

She smiled and said "Cheers to the best boyfriend ever!"

We said at the same time, "Cheers!" and the chugged our beers down. Diana was a good drinker, at the last party she had just one shot, but she was actually drinking here, with me.

"Guys! Cake!" Nolan said, after we finished our beers. " Happy birthday Diana". he whispered.

Diana looked down, "Thanks." was all she said. Nolan left and went to join his girlfriend.

"Awkward." I said as I took her hand and went into the big room that had the cake.

"Yeah." was all she said.

We sang Happy birthday, hung out with her friends, my friends, and just drank and had a good time. We were dancing and partying for I think 6 hours. I checked my phone and the time said 2:36 am.

People were starting to leave, and eventually, me and Diana left.

We walked into the car and I looked into her eyes.

"What?" she said looking at me in confusing. You could tell she was a little drunk, but she kept herself together.

"I love you, happy birthday beautiful." I spoke.

"Niall I love you too!" she said, getting red.

"Its so cute when you blush Diana."

She looked to the window, I turned her cheek with me finger and kissed her lightly. "Let's go home babe, your staying at my place tonight." 

Ok so I decided before I take my break, I give you this chapter. I have an appointment today so I had time to finish this chapter and upload it. So yeah, so now I'm gonna take the break, I hope you like chapter, please vote(:

Diana.... ( Niall Horan fanfic )Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora