Chapter 53

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Diana's POV

So Niall and I have been taking baby steps, we have been seen together in public a little more, but I haven't moved back in with him.

I don't want to rush into it, because I think buying a house together was maybe rushing us in the first place considering we haven't been together for a year yet.

He's going on tour in a few days, and I'm debating whether or not I'm joining him.

"Hey, maybe you can stay here. Then I can fly you down for one of shows in a few weeks or so, and you decide whether or not you want to join us." Niall suggests.

I think about it for a second, I guess that works. It'll give me more then enough time to think about going on tour with him.

"Since I'll have to leave the tour for California to film the movie, I can see your shows there."

"Yeah that sounds great." Niall smiles.

"Alright then, I'll go to the show. I'll be in the front row screaming your name." I laugh.

"Why do I feel like I'm going to be dying of laughter?" Niall says. I shrug and lean into him.

"But can we make a promise?" I look up at him.

"Yeah sure." I looks down at me, moving some hair from my eye. 

"Can we just be one hundred percect honest with each other? If you tell me the truth, I'm going to be less mad then if you don't tell me the truth. And im going to be completly honest with you. We're gonna be away from each other for a while. I need to trust you." I speak slowly, not wanting him to miss out on what I'm saying.

"Of course." He kisses my cheek, "A good relationship needs honesty."

"I agree." I take his hand in mine and trace circles in his palm.


"Im going to miss you so much." I say into Nialls shoulder as he hugs the life out of me.

"Im going to miss you more, its gonna kill me being away from you." He says.

We ignore the screams and flashing lights going off around us in the airport, we're not letting them ruin our goodbyes.

"I'll see you soon. A few weeks will pass by very quickly." I tell him, but im trying to convince me more than him that it will.

"Yeah, you're right." Niall nods, grabbing my hands. One of his bodygaurds inform Niall that he has to leave, and we kiss one last time. It feels like this kiss is our last forever, but we both know its not. I pull away and give a hug to him before he smiles at me and walks off.

I hug the other boys too, saying my goodbyes. Eleanor is also here, so I stand next to her.

"You must go through this feeling a lot." I say to her.

She laughs, "Yeah, I do. But I've got over it with knowing that I'll see him again eventually."

I nod my head, and smile, "So do you want to go get something to eat? We could catch up a bit."

"Yeah that sounds nice." She says, and we watch the plane take off before we agree to meet up at a nearby starbucks.

Once I arrive there, I see Eleanors car is already there, so I walk in and find her sitting a booth. She waves to me and I smile back. I order some coffee and a muffin then make my way to her.

"I absolutely love Starbucks." She says as I sit down.

"Yeah I heard you come here a lot. I like it here too." I agree.

"So, how has everything been?" She asks me.

"A little crazy, but things are settling."  I answer, taking a sip of my coffee.

"Crazy? How?" She drinks from her iced tea.

I explain to her everything that has happened from New Years to now.

"Wow," She gasps, "That is crazy."

"Yeah, I'm hoping everything will calm down at this point." I tell her.

"That's a lot of stress for an 18 year old." Eleanor says.

"Yeah, it is. But I got my career to focus on too. That usually distracts me from everything being hectic."

"Right." She nods and it's quiet for a while before I speak up.

"So how are you and Louis?" I ask. Witu both of us dating a member from the world's biggest boyband, we have certain things we can relate to.

She sighs and shrugs her shoulders, "Okay I guess."

"Is something wrong?" I ask.

"I feel like he's a little more closer with Harry than he is with me. I know they're best friends, but most of the time when we hang out Harry is there." She answers sadly, slightly playing with her straw.

I shake my head, "But he loves you Eleanor. You can see it in his eyes, Harry is just his best friend. But Louis really cares about you."

She gives a small smile, "You're right."

"And didn't Harry even introduce you too?" I ask her, fiddling with the napkin on the table.

"Well, not exactly. I had met Harry through a friend, and he didn't exactly warm up to me. Then Harry brought Louis to a club for that friends birthday, so I was there. I bumped into Harry, and he gave me a look. He was about to turn away when Louis asked who I was, so Harry sorta had no choice but to introduce us. Then Louis and I.. we sorta just clicked." Eleanor explains to me, slumping slightly in her seat.

"Oh, well in a way that's sweet. Louis wanted to get to know you, and he loves you so much. Tell Louis you want alone time, he won't mind." I give her hand a reassuring squeeze and she laughs.

"Yeah, I will. And Louis is sweet in general. Niall too." She smiles at me.

Niall's POV

"Thank you Bogota!" I yelled in my mic, and the crowd went wild. The boys and I said out final thank you's before getting off the stage.

"That was a great way to start the tour." Zayn said, and we all agreed.

I walked away from the boys and pulled out my phone, and called Diana.

"Hello?" Her voice softly said through the phone.

"Hi babe, we just finished the first concert of the tour."

"Thats great. How was it?"

"It was amazing, we all enjoyed it. I miss you, were you asleep?" Diana and I decided that she'll stay in our house while I'm gone, so she's sleeping in our bed now.

"I miss you too, it's lonely without you. And it's early in the morning, I was only gonna be alseep for a little while more anyways." She answers, yawning.

"Okay, well I'll let you sleep. I've gotta head back and sleep too. I love you."

"I love you too Niall." She says and we hang up.

"Ready to leave?" Liam asks me, and I nod and the security ushers me and the boys out of the stadium.

Hi, I'm sorry for slow updates. I'm pretty sad and it's hard for me to write. But thank you so much for 5k reads, it means a lot to me. I love you all so much. And I also cannot wait for One Direction to kick off the North American leg of the tour, have fun those of you going to the first show in New Jersey (:

Diana.... ( Niall Horan fanfic )Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora