Chapter 13

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Niall's POV

Diana texted me saying she needs to tell me something. I was nervous to be honest. I didn't know what it was, maybe she doesn't like me! I waited in my hotel room for her to come. Id go to her room more often but Dylan might kick me out.

I sat around nervously tapping my foot, Im so worried, what if she got a new boyfriend. There was a knock at the door, which told me she was here. I got up, fixed my hair a bit, then went to open the door. Diana was standing there with a huge smile, that made me less worried, she looked happy. She said "Niall, I don't know if you feel the same, but I really like you, and I just realized that this morning and-" I cut her off with a long passionate kiss. I pulled her close to me and she smiled into the kiss. I was so happy she liked me back! She pulled back and looked me into the eyes. 

I told her "Diana, I like you, so much, I have liked you ever since I lay eyes on you. Will you please be my girlfriend?"

She smiled even bigger before biting her lips and nodding "YES! Yes Niall!" then she kissed me again. We kissed for about 10 minutes before walking to the couch and just staying there, in each others arm. We'd kiss every now and then, but what I liked the most is finally getting to call Diana my girlfriend.

Diana's POV

I've never been so happy. I feel safe with Niall. I feel like anything anyone says to me cant harm me, now that I can call Niall my boyfriend. I loved that word, I only ever used it once, on the wrong person. I know Niall won't hurt me. I know he really likes me. He's proven that to me. He makes me feel special. .

Niall kisses my neck a little which makes me blush. "Babe, your so cute when you blush" he says kissing my cheek. Babe. It sounds so good when he says it. I'm used to him calling me love. But Babe made me feel extra special. I pecked his lips a few times and he chuckles.

Then we hear the door open and in walks Harry, Zayn, and Liam.

"Guys...... You could've knocked" Niall mutters, holding me tight.

"Well soooooorrrryyy. But...... it looks like you two are a thing now? Harry asks with raised eyebrows.

I blush, and Niall smiles before saying "Yeah, we are"

"Congratulations, Niall" Zayn says with a smile. "We know how much you liked her" 

"Thanks Zayn, and I suspect you and Perrie are a thing now too?" Niall asks him.

"Perrie?...." I asked confused.

"Oh its one of the girls in the girl group we visited" Niall answers. I nod my head. Zayn puts down his phone after reading a text, I think its from Perrie since he was smiling. He says "Yeah, we're dating now, and she makes me feel so happy, mate."

"Now its just me and Louis without girlfriends. Well, he has his best friend, Eleanor."

"Awww, is wittle harreh jealous of Eleanor?" Liam teased, in a baby tone.

"No! Its just Louis is MY best friend, and he's ALWAYS with her! He's even with her now!"

We all laughed at Harry's remark, and he glared at us. When i finished laughing, I got a text from Caitlynn.

Catiee- Heyy!! Me and Chasity are gonna go to starbucks. Wanna come?

Me- Sure! Be there in 15 minutes?

Catiee- Okay! Meet us outside the hotel.

Me- Okay, see you soon! xo

I put my phone away, and snuggled into Niall. I could be outside in 5 minutes, but I wanted more time with my boyfriend.

"Niall, I have to meet Caitlynn in 10 minutes okay?" I told him so I can have 5 minutes to get outside.

"Noooooo don't leaveeeee" He whined.

"I have tooooooo, I promised herrrrrrr" I copied his tone, "Plus you won't be alone, The boys are here, and I'll be back later if you'd like."

He nodded before kissing my cheek. "Hey Liam, where's Danielle?" Niall asked him. "Oh, she's at rehearsals." he said, shrugging his shoulders. We all got Into a conversation about if England or America was better, Niall was on my side with America, against the boys with England.

10 minutes later, I got up from the couch, and walked towards the door after saying my goodbyes. "Baaaaaaaaaabeee" Niall called as I opened the door.

I bit my lip and turned around. "Yes Niall?"

He puckered his lips, I chuckled and walked over him and planted a sweet kiss on his lips. "Ewww" Harry said, fake gagging. I walked over to him and ruffled his curls before saying "GOODBYE Harry"

He smiled and said goodbye. Then I walked out and headed out to the front of the building. I saw Caitlynn and Chasity waiting for me. I ran over and hugged them. "Heyy Dee!" Chasity said, hugging me tightly.

"Hey girls!" I replied.

"So, what's up? Anything new?" Caitlynn asked as we walked to starbucks. "Weeeeellll..." I felt like I should tell them. They've been such good friends, and Caitlynn is like a sister to me already. Her and Dylan are close. "I'm dating Niall"

Her and Chasity squealed and gave me congratulations and happy remarks left and right. I couldn't help but smile. This move to london had been amazing. I made so many new friends, I have a great boyfriend, My mom has a great job, and I have my brother here. Everything was just perfect, I didn't want it any other way. I checked my phone. The time said 6:38 pm. I put my phone away knowing I have a few hours to be with the girls. Today was such a good day.

Ok so first off, about Eleanor. I have some people who want Larry in the story, and some people who want Elounor. So I decided Larry will be a BROMANCE and Elounor will just be really close best friend stuff. Sorry if you don't want it like that, but I think its best that way. So every ones happy. Thanks for the reads! Love you! ♥

Diana.... ( Niall Horan fanfic )Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora