Chapter 42

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Niall's POV

"Guys! You made it! You're a few hours late, but at least you're here!" Ashton greeted us as we entered Luke's flat, he smelled slightly like alcohol, but he wasn't wasted, just maybe barely tipsy.

"Sorry, we had to go get something done." Diana told him, holding out her hand as I did the same.

"That's sick!" Ashton studied our hands, and looked back at us, "Let's go, everyone else is already here."

We followed him into Luke's enormous living room, where the other aussies and my mates were chilling.

"Niall! Diana! Hey you've made it." Zayn smiled at us, his arms around Perrie who was seated on his lap.

I looked over and saw Liam and Danielle talking and laughing. I nudged Diana and she looked in that direction, then smiled at me.

Louis handed me and Diana a beer, and for the next few hours we all partied, drank, except for Luke, and the whole house was having fun.

We were in the middle of truth or dare, and i wasn't too comfortable with this game. There were a lot of guys here, some of them eying Diana. They better not fucking touch her.

Diana sat in between her friend Caitlynn, and Danielle. I sat with Calum on my right, and some blonde perky girl who kept staring at me on my left. She made me scoot closer to Calum, who slightly chuckled at my actions.

"Okay, Amy, truth or dare?" A brunette across from me asked the girl on my left.

"Dare!" She chirped.

"Okay, I dare you to.... Kiss the person to your left!" The brunette smirked. I looked over at Diana who had wide eyes, and I tried to protest, but the blonde had grabbed my face and smashed her lips to mine.

I pushed her away, and made a disgusted face. I look back to Diana, who was looking at the ground, and looked to everyone who knew we were dating. They looked as shocked as I was.

The blonde bitch kept trying to touch me, so Calum was nice enough to switch spots with me, so I was seated in between him and Harry.

The blonde girl dared Luke next, he made Michael tell a truth, Michael made some guy tell a truth, and the guy dared... My girlfriend.

"Diana is it?" The guy, I think his name is Jack, smiled, "Truth or dare."

Diana was quite for a few seconds, before smiling sweetly, "Dare."

"I dare you to kiss me." Jack smirked. Diana tensed, but whispered loud enough for us to hear,

"Its just a game right?" Then Jack leaned in and they kissed. It was longer than me and that blonde girls, but was probably at least 3 seconds.

Diana pulled back and looked around before standing up and clearing her throat, "I'm tired. I think I should go home."

"What? No stayyy." Luke, Danielle and Caitlynn whined.

"I'm sorry guys, I'm just really tired, and I have a small headache."

"I'll leave too then." I said, standing up.

"No, you stay and enjoy the party." She choked out.

"How will you get home?" I asked.

"I'll take her." Harry offered, standing up. "I'll come back after."

"No, I think I should-" I began, but Diana cut me off.

"Niall, its fine. I know you want to stay. I'll see you later." She began walking away, Harry following after her.

"I love you!" I called after her, she just looked back at me before turning around and exiting the house, Harry close behind.

"I'm gonna go get a beer." I muttered, walking away from the group.

I popped open the cap and chugged the cold beverage, just as someone tapped my shoulder.

"Hey Niall." It was the blonde bitch.

"What." I spat.

"Hey, come here." She said, pulling me along with her into a dark hallway.

"Can you leave me alone? You got me in enough shit already." I tried releasing my grip, but she wouldn't let go and I didn't want to accidentally hit her or something.

"Look, you're girlfriend is gone, nowhere in sight, and I'm here. So, let's have some fun. Besides, she's ugly as fuck." She slurred, this bitch was drunk, and my temper was rising.

"She is not ugly! Look at you! You know I'm taken and you're all over me. You're a slut." I yelled at her, finally releasing myself from her grip.

"You're an asshole!" She yelled back hitting my chest.

"Fuck off." I said as she stumbled away, grabbed some dude, and started making out with him. Fucking bitch.

Whatever, I'm going home. I need to be with Diana, I need to talk to her.

I ran out of Lukes flat, into my car, and sped off home.

I got there in 30 minutes, and fumbled with my keys, trying to find the one to unlock the door. 

Once I got in, I threw my coat on a chair and looked all around the house for Diana.

I finally found her sitting upright in our bed, her head in her hands. I slowly walked over to her and wrapped my arms around her.

"Niall.. I'm sorry." She whispered.

"For what? You did nothing wrong. I did." I put my chin on top of her head.

"No, you didn't have a choice, she kissed you without warning. I could've said no, but I wanted to get you mad. And I'm so sorry." She was beginning to cry now, I didn't want her to cry. I went in front of her and kneel down so I was facing her.

"Its not your fault, you were right. Its just a game, nothing to freak out over. Don't cry babe, I shouldn't have been sitting with her in the first place. I'm sorry." I wrapped my arms around her waist, but she still looked upset.

"Let's just forget about it. Its not neither of our fault, its Jack's and Amy's. They knew we were together, they didn't care." I noticed she was staring down at her hand, the one with the tattoo on it.

I grabbed that hand, and kissed it. Then I kissed her, and she kissed back sweetly.

"Let's go to bed." She mumbled, I agreed and took of my clothes and put on a pair of sweatpants. She was already ready, but we didn't go to sleep.

We just lay there, staring at nothing, while I held her in my arms.

This was good, I liked being here with her this way.

Hiiii! I finally updated!! How'd you like it? Oh, and btw, in one of my notes, I thanked you for 16k, I meant 1.6 K... I know it was so long ago,but I fixed it! But thanks for 2.5 K!! I'm so grateful, I love you all! xx

Check my profile for news on my other fanfictions!(:

Diana.... ( Niall Horan fanfic )Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora