Chapter 26

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I had just woken up a few minutes ago, I jumped in the shower, brushed my teeth, and put on sweats and a Jack willis sweater over my plain white tee shirt. I put my hair up in a perfect messy bun. I was ready for my lazy day with Niall.

I walked though the living room, everyone was still sleeping. I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a bowl and poured some cereal and milk in it. I checked my text messages and ate my cereal, then I heard a knock at the door. I put my spoon down went to answer the door. I opened it and began to close it again when I saw Harry standing there. "Wait!" He said, holding the door open.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I spat at him.

"I.... I came here to apologize." He started.

"Oh really?" I said, leaning against the doorway, ready to hear his 'apology'.

"Yes. In the car, Marissa wouldn't stop talking about how much she hated you, how bad you are. You're not a bad person, then Dylan wouldn't talk to me and I got worried, then she started talking shit about Zayn, and that's when I got really mad. I told her to never talk to me again and I broke up with her. I didn't realize how bad she was." I stayed silent. He didn't exactly apologize to me, and I wasn't forgiving him until her actually did. He looked at me confused for a second before saying,

"Oh! And sorry for calling you names, and getting Niall mad, and I was being a terrible person. Do you forgive me? Can we be friends again?"

I smiled and nodded my head "Sure Harry."

He smiled back and gave me a hug, we hugged for longer than I expected. Then Harry pulled back slowly and looked at me for a second, and before I could stop him, he smashed his lips onto mine. We barely kissed for a second, before I pulled back. I raised my hand to slap him, but I just slammed my door closed and ran to Niall's room, ignoring Harry's calls to me.

What just happened? What am I going to tell Niall!! No. Don't tell Niall, you didn't do anything wrong, you didn't kiss back, you pulled away, you didn't lean in. What was Harry thinking? Why would he do that? He probably just ruined my relationship!

Guys! Sorry for the short chapter but, Pleassse go read my new Harry fanfic! Please? (: I'll love you 10 ×'s more, pleaaaasse please please ! I'm uploading another chapter for it today, Thanks if you do ♥

Diana.... ( Niall Horan fanfic )Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora