Chapter 44

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Diana's POV

Niall and I have already landed in Ireland, and we're now taking a car to his mom's house.

"This place is beautiful." I tell him, looking out the window, I could still make out some of the scenery despite the fact that its dark outside. He nods and puts his head in the crook of my neck.

"I love you." He says.

"Love you too." I reply, sighing.

He looks up at me and frowns, "Everything's going to be okay."

"I hope so." I sigh again.

"I'll take you to the doctor tomorrow, yeah?" He ask, and I just nod.

In about 15 minutes, the driver drops us off at Niall's moms home, and she's waiting for us outside on her porch.

"Niall!" She beamed, running over to hug her son. She then turns to me and gives me a hug.

"You must be Diana! Niall has said lots about you, you're just as beautiful as he tells me! Its so nice to finally meet you."

"Thanks, its so nice to meet you too! Niall is always saying how nice you are." I give my best smile, but I'm still a little uneasy.

She smiles warmly and says, "Well come in guys! Everyone is inside waiting for you."

We follow her into the house, were I recognize Niall's brother, his wife, and a baby who I think is Niall's nephew.

Niall immediately picks up the baby, and Theo, I think his name is, starts to giggle.

"Hello, I'm Denise." Greg's wife greeted me, and extended her hand.

I shook her hand and smiled, "Hi, I'm Diana." We engaged in small talk for a while before Niall grabbed me by my waist.

"D'ya wanna go to sleep? You look tired." I didn't even realize how tired I was until he mentioned it. So I nodded and followed him upstairs into his room.

I changed into sweat pants and an all time low shirt. I crawled into bed next to Niall, but I couldn't sleep. Niall noticed, because he turned to face me.

"I don't like seeing you like this." He whined.

"I know, I'm sorry. I just, cant be a mom. And I won't get rid of the baby. People might think I'm using you just to get pregnant because I'm only eighteen."

"But I know you're not just using me. And.... I'm pretty sure I pulled out.. Did I pull out?" He asked, making me burst out laughing.

"I don't know! Shouldn't you know that." I continued laughing and soon he began laughing too.

"There's that beautiful smile I've been missing all day." He laughs a little more before calming down.

"Yeah, its just stressful Niall."

"Well I'm here 100 percent of the way. Let's get some sleep, its late. Tomorrow afternoon we'll go to the doctor." He said, stroking my hair. I nodded and closed my eyes suddenly feeling more tired, and I eventually fell asleep.


"Thanks again for breakfast." I smiled, thanking Niall's mom who had offered to make me breakfast a few hours ago.

"Its no problem, knowing Niall he won't be up for ages." She said, but as if on cue, Niall walked into the kitchen.

"Morning mum, Greg went home yesterday?" He asked, his voice raspy.

"Morning love, and yes they went home late last night." She answered before walking upstairs.

"Hi." I smiled at him.

"Hi." He smiled back, slightly chuckling. "What's for breakfast?"

"Niall its 1:00 pm." I shook my head.

"What? What time did you wake up?"

"Maybe around 11:00." I answered simply.

"Oh. I'm not hungry anyways." He says surprisingly and I fake gasp.

"What? The Niall horan isn't hungry? Alert the media this is going to go down in history." I joke, laughing really hard.

"Shut up." He smiles, playfully hitting my arm.

"Do you want to pick up something on the way to the doctors?" I ask.

"Oh, um, sure." He replied boringly.

"You okay?" He was in a better mood about this yesterday.

"Yeah I'm fine." He assured me. "I'm going to go get ready. I'll be right back." He kissed my cheek before disappearing upstairs.

He was back in a matter of minutes, and we informed his mom we'd be back later before leaving.

"Are you nervous?" Niall asked, keeping his eyes on the road.

"Kinda." I shrugged.

"Me too." He admitted. I nodded as Niall pulled into a mcdonalds drive thru.

"Niall that's a lot of food." I laughed as he stuffed his face.

"I know, but its all so good." He smiled. We got to the hospital soon after and I looked over at him before entering the building.

I sat in the waiting room with him for a few minutes when a girl who looked about 13 with dark brown hair that reached her just past her shoulders asked Niall for a picture.

I offered to take it for them, and when I gave her back her camera she handed it to Niall and said,

"Can you take a picture of me and Diana?" I raised my eyebrows and but Niall just nodded and smiled.

After the picture was taken she smiled at me, "I love triple dog, and can't wait to see you in Jack Reacher."

"Thanks." I smiled back before she walked over to her mother.

"Niall, if I do go with you on tour, I can't stay for the whole thing. I start filming in June."

His face fell, but he replaced it with a smile, "That's okay, I'll at least have you for most of it. I'll just have to sneak you on the bus."

I laughed just as a nurse came into the room, "Diana Rose?" I stood up, along with Niall, and followed her into the room.

I explained to her that I needed a test to see if I was pregnant, and she nodded and told me to step into a room with her.

When the test was over, she told me to wait in the other room with Niall, and she'd tell me later on.

I began breathing heavily, and Niall was rubbing circles on my hand trying to calm me down.

I'm too young.

I'm not responsible enough.

My careers just getting started.

I can't be a mom yet.

Thoughts were running wild in my head, then the nurse came back into the room.

"Diana, we ran some test, and you are not pregnant. Congratulations." She smiled before exiting the room once more.

"Thank god." I breathed out. Niall grabbed my face and kissed me. The kiss lingered until I pulled back, smiling.

"To be honest, I was scared as shit. I guess I did pull out." We both laughed as we walked out of the hospital hand in hand.

Yayy! She's not pregnant! And Yay for earlier updates! Get I get my goal of 5 votes/1 comment for another early update? (: I love you guys! And you absolutely need to go to gemmaastyless profile and check out her fanfiction about Harry called pretty please don't pinch me. Its really good and I think you'll all enjoy it xx

Diana.... ( Niall Horan fanfic )Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora