Chapter 9

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Its Saturday, and its 8:00 am. I groaned and rolled outta bed. I was gonna go to breakfast downstairs with Niall before I start 'school'. I took a shower, brushed my teeth, put on, blue leggings, and a black shirt that went off one of my shoulders, and grabbed my phone. I heard a knock on the door and opened it to Niall. He hugged me, then we left.

As we walked into the breakfast hall I saw Caitlynn. She noticed me then smiled and walked over to me and Niall. "Hey Diana!"

"Hey Caitlynn! Niall, this is my brother's girlfriend Caitlynn, Caitlynn this is Niall"

Niall and Caitlynn exchanged hello's. "Well, I'm gonna get some food and get a table, Caitlynn your welcome to join" Niall said

"Okay, thanks" Caitlynn replied before Niall walked off.

"Diana, we should exchange numbers and meet up more! Do you have plans later? We could go to the mall!" Caitlynn asked, cheerfully

"Okayy! and no, I don't have plans!" I replied typing my number in her iphone while she did the same to my galaxy.

"Perfect! Are you good for 3:45?"

"Yeah that's fine" I replied as we got our food.

"Amazing!" Caitlyn said as we neared our table.

We sat down and just talked about regular life things. I found out that Caitlynn sings a bit and I remembered how I saw one of her videos on youtube. She had an amazing voice, so her and Niall talked about singing until Caitlynn asked me "Diana, are you two, like, dating? Because that'd be so cute!"

I got red then looked down at my food before replying "No, no we aren't"

"Oh, well, you guys still look cute together"

Me and Niall just laughed in response. After Breakfast, Niall went to his room on the 5th floor and me and Caitlynn walked to the 3rd floor which where our room was. As I got to my door, me and Caitlynn said our goodbyes and she said to say hi to Dylan for her then Caitlynn walked to her room which was room #309, all the way down the hall. I walked in my hotel room, and walked to my bedroom, I passed by Dylan and told him Caitlynn's greetings then went to my laptop to begin online school. I checked the time, it read 9:37 am. Its gonna be a long 4 hours. I opened my 'schools' page and got right to work when I got a 2 texts.

Niall is the hottest man on earth- Heyy Love! Good Luck with school! Call if you need help! x

Me- Thanks Nialler(: & I will!! xX

The next one was from...... Marissa.

Marissa- Hey! How are you! Met any new people? Maybe someone into music, or currently also staying at the same hotel... Maybe blonde?(:

How did she know about Niall?! Is that why she's being nice! I decided to not let her know so I replied simply.

Me- No.

I hit send then got straight to work, I had a lot to do.

Diana.... ( Niall Horan fanfic )Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora