Chapter 25

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Marissa? MARISSA? Why the fuck is she HERE. And why is she with Harry! Dylan did have allergies, he's allergic to that bitch.

"Harry......" Louis said, you could see the hurt in his eyes. Him and Harry were very close.

"What Louis??" Harry asked. "Zayn has Pez, Liam has Dani, Niall has Diana, and You have Eleanor!"

"Im not dating Eleanor!" Louis yelled. Harry just rolled his eyes and pulled Marissa close to him. Marissa cleared her throat and said, "Diana! Nice to see you again!"

I rolled my eyes and said, "Please shut the hell up." They all gasped, Marissa had a fake, 'im hurt' face on. "Diana, I thought we were friends." she said, still with that fake expression on her face.

I laughed very loudly, "Friends? You really think I fell for your little 'im sorry' act? I fell for it in 3rd grade, 8th grade, and 10th grade. I'll be DAMNED if I fall for it again." I turned and looked at everyone else, who looked like a car ran into their house, "Dylan's not sick, he hates her. I do too. She used me to get close to my brother, then played him. She took away my boyfriend. She made him break up with me, and she only did it to ruin my life. She dumped him right after. When my dad died, I was at my lowest point. So she jumped at the opportunity to ruin my life even more. She bullied me, harassed me, and physically and mentally hurt me. She took all my friends. She's a terrible, heartless, bitch." I said it all very casually too.

Marissa looked beyond pissed off, "You know what? Maybe if you weren't a stupid hideous freak, people would like you. I tried being nice, you wanna play rude, let's go bitch."

"Don't talk to my girlfriend like that!" Niall said, defending me.

Harry gasped, Marissa looked scared outta her mind and turned to Harry, "Babe, i-i didn't mean that! Please dont-" Zayn cut her off.

"I haven't even fully met you, and I don't like you. Get out of my house."

"Zayn!" Harry yelled.

"What!! After hearing all the things Diana said, and what Marissa just said to her. I want her away from me and Perrie, and I want her out of my house. I don't want to be near her, Diana is a better friend than your bitchy ass girlfriend will ever be."

"Zayn come on-" Harry started, only to be cut off by Perrie.

"Harry. Diana is one of my best friends, and that girl is disgusting, rude, and yeah, she is a bitch. Get her out of my house. You can stay here, or leave with her. Just get her out. Now." She said sternly.

Harry gave me a dirty look and said, "Fine. Diana, you're the bitch. She tried being nice and you were beyond rude. We're leaving."

Niall got up and walked over to Harry, "Don't EVER fucking call my girlfriend a bitch. Harry, you're like a brother to me, but disrespect her again, and I'll fucking punch you in the face."

"Whatever, she's rude as hell. And She's ugly." Harry said, smirking. I was in tears by now. Eleanor was hugging me, Dani and Perrie were rubbing my back, and even the guys tried to calm me down.

I looked up and when I did, I saw Niall's fist connect with Harry's face. Harry fell back a bit, holding his nose, Marissa kept him from falling. Harry was about to hit back when Liam held him back, and Zayn held Niall back. Louis was still here comforting me, I don't think he wanted to be near Harry.

"GUYS! We are supposed to be best friends! Is this really what you want to do right now!?" Liam yelled.

Harry swore under his breath, and grabbed Marissa's hand and left quickly. Marissa was slightly smirking.

Niall rushed over to me and crouched down next to me. "Babe, please don't cry, I'm right here."

Me and Niall thanked Zayn and Perrie for having us over, then we left. "When are you moving out? I'll help you pack." Niall asked as we pulled into the parking lot. "Next week." I answered.

"Okay, I move out this weekend."

We walked into the hotel, we stepped into the elevator, I pressed 3 and Niall pressed 5. When it reached my floor, I got out and kissed him goodnight. "Come up tomorrow? We'll have a lazy day, yeah? He asked.

I smiled and nodded, then when the elevator door shut, I walked to the room. I need Caitlynn here, she's like a sister to me and I miss her a lot. I haven't seen Chasity much, or Nolan and Luke. Caitlynn gets back tomorrow, its tuesday today, im spending the day with Niall tomorrow, and i have an interview Thursday, so on Friday we'll maybe go to the mall, like we did before.

I walked into the room and walked into the living room, I took a seat next to Dylan on the couch. "Hey." He said, "Did you see Marissa?"

I nodded my head, "I completely blew up her spot when she tried being nice to me. Then Harry started being a dick, so Niall punched him and he left."

Dylan gave a hug, and we continued to watch tv, soon to be joined by my mom. At the end of the day, I honestly just need family first, before anything. I really wish my dad was here to complete it.

Diana.... ( Niall Horan fanfic )Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora