Chapter 21

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"And I'll have the steak with the side salad, please." I said while handing the waiter my menu.

"Okay, your meals are coming right up." She said with a smile, then walked away with our menus. Me and Niall are at a dinner date along with Zayn and Perrie. We are at this really fancy restaurant and I can't help but feel left out for some reason. I mean, everyone is so famous and fancy, then its just me, I'm almost famous, if people like triple dog. But I got verified on twitter, and my follows have been going up. So I don't know.

"Diana! The movie is going good, yeah?" Perrie asks, taking a sip of her wine.

"Oh.. um, yeah! Its going perfectly, it comes out in less than 2 months." I say, trying to avoid answering anything about today's scene.

"Any interviews coming up about the movie? As soon as it hits theaters, you are gonna become famous." Zayn asked next, while holding Perrie's hand.

"Yeah, have you had any interviews at all?" Niall butted in.

I thought for a second before saying, "Oh, um I had one few ago, I have one later this week, then I have one with Brett, Nolan, and Britt, the night before the premier!" I have to admit, I was so excited for the movie to cone out.

"Oh yeh, your first premier! You excited for that?" Zayn asks, now taking a sip of his beer.

"Of course! Its my first premier! Even better, its for my movie!" I said while smiling.

"And I can't wait to see it." Niall says, pecking my cheek. He was playing with my bracelets the whole time we were talking, what's he thinking about?

"Yeah! We are all gonna go! Me, the rest of my group, the 5sos boys, and the other 1D boys!" Perrie says, giving me a warm smile.

"Its gonna be amazing, I have my mom coming, my brother, Caitee, Chasity, Nolan, my cast members and me have been very close, everyone! I'm so grateful to have the best people in my life right now."

I looked over at Niall, "And the best boyfriend ever" I kissed Niall softly and when I pulled back, Zayn said, "Well that's one thing Perrie is gonna have to disagree with, right babe?" He looked over to Perrie, who was chuckling.

"Yes Zayn, absolutely, you're the best in my eyes." She and Zayn shared a quick kiss, the our waiter returned with our food.

"Yay! Our foods here!" I cheered as she put down my plate.

I began to cut up my steak and I took a bite. "This is delicious. I'm in love with this steak."

Niall put on a hurt look and joked "So you and steak have been going behind my back!" He fake cried. "After all we've been through.!"

Me, Pez, and Zayn laughed, I took a piece of steak and fed it to Niall.

"Ok. So I may see why you are in love with this steak....." He said, chewing it slowly.

"Yeah, yeah! Just eat your chicken!" I laughed.

We had an amazing meal, we also had what seemed like an endless conversation about the upcoming VMA's next month. The boys were nominated, and me and Perrie were beyond excited that our boyfriends were nominated for a moon man!

After Dinner, we had dessert and when we finished, we said our goodbyes to each other then me and Niall drove home, I was spending the night in his room, then I was gonna head to my room early tomorrow morning to spend the day with Dylan. Niall and the boys had a gig tomorrow anyways.

When me and Niall arrived home, we were too tired to even change, so I just took off my heels and jewelry and Niall took his shoes off and we climbed into bed and in less than 3 minutes we were both sound asleep.

Sorry if this chapter is too short. :/

Diana.... ( Niall Horan fanfic )Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora