Chapter 54

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Niall's POV

Diana's plane Is landing soon, and I'm waiting in the airport for her.

About 20 minutes later, I see her walking towards me.

I jump up and run to hug her, "You have no idea how much I've missed you."

"I've missed you so much too." She says, her face in my neck.

"Let's get out of here." I mumble, Paul guides us through fans and the paps before we finally reach our car.

"So how has the tour been?" She asks, leaning her head on me while I play with her hair.

"Its been great, the crowds are crazy." I answer her, and she nods.

"I've only heard good things, I can't wait to witness it all tonight."

"You'll love it." I smile.

The driver takes us back to our hotel, where we once again squeeze through fans and finally make it in.

I take her up to my room, and she sets her luggage down.

"You didn't bring much clothes, what if you decide to stay?" I ask her, watching as she takes in her surrounding.

"I'll just buy more." She shrugs, now looking at me.

"Don't worry, I'll buy them for you." I tell her, wrapping my arms around her waist.

"No, I can buy them. Thanks babe, but I'll handle it." She kisses me, and I chuckle. I'm still gonna buy her some clothes whether she wants me to or not.

"Do ya wanna go say hi to the others? I think they're in Liams room." I ask, pointing to the door.

She nods, "Sure, then I'll just come back here and sleep for a little if that's okay. I'm really tired."

"Yeah that's fine. Are you okay with going out to dinner with us before the show? It won't be for at least 4 hours." I tell her, taking her hand in mine.

"Sounds good." She says, and I nod before leading her to Liam's room. I don't knock, and just walk in instead.

"Hey guys." I greet the lads and they all look over to us.

"Diana, good to see you love." Harry is the first to greet her, giving her hug. She smiled and greeted him back.

"How was your flight?" Zayn asked, Perrie, who was seated next to him, gave a friendly wave at my girlfriend. Diana waved back then shrugged.

"Good and bad. I was never a fan of planes." 

"Well I hope that doesn't prevent you from staying." I laugh, and she smiles.

"Well its good to see you, Niall's talked nonstop about you." Louis grins.

"Awe," She giggles, looking at me then back at Lou, "Its nice to see all of you again also."

"We're gonna head back, she's pretty tired. See ya lads." I said, Diana waved bye at them and we left the room.

"Will Luke be at the dinner too?" Diana asks me, and I do a double take at her.

"Luke? Why?"

"Because I haven't seen him in awhile." She shrugs. I felt a little relieved, I forgot they were best friends.

"Im not sure, I can ask him to go too if you'd like." I tell her while opening the room door and allowing her to make her way inside.

"The other boys too." She mumbles, walking into the bedroom and falling on the bed. It made me feel way better that she wants the other Aussies there too, I shouldn't be jealous though. Luke and Diana's friendship is like Liam and I's. They're only best friends.

I look over at her and see her asleep, so I pull a blanket over her and exit the room.

I walk back to Liams room and look at Zayn, "Can I borrow Perrie for an hour or so?"

He narrows his eyes and cocks his head a little to the side, "Why?"

"I want to buy Diana something for tonight but Im not really a girl and her and Perrie are pretty close so I need her help." I explain, Zayn's face softens and Perrie looks at him for approval and he nods.

"Yeah okay, I'd love to help." She kisses Zayn on the cheek and follows me out.

"So do you know where we should start?" I ask her. She looks down for a second before perking up and nodding.


We enter a car and Perrie informs the driver where to go.

"Where are we going?" I ask nervously.

"Theres this like, botique, Diana has seen before. I know they have one in this country. Theres a dress there Diana's been wanting to get for a while now." She answers, looking out the window.

"Oh okay, thanks for doing this. Im terrible at gifts."

Perrie smiles and looks at me, "No problem, anyways, Zayn wasnt leaving that room anytime soon. I wanted to see around a little." So thats why her full attention was to the window.

The driver drops us off and I thank him, and Perrie and I enter the botique.

"Here's the dress-" Perrie begins to say, but is cut off by two girls.

"Oh my god you're Perrie Edwards, and you're Niall Horan!" One of them squeals in a thick accent. I give them a weak smile, but Perrie gives them a stronger one, "Sorry, I probably sound crazy."

"Its alright dear." Perrie says.

"Can we get a picture? Then we'll leave you two." The other asks, and I nod.

"Of course." Perrie and I take pictures with them and they thank us before running off.

"We should hurry before more fans find us, then it'll get crazy." I say and Perrie agrees.

She shows me the dress, and it's really really nice. It's different from what Diana usually wears, but it fits her just right. I look at it for a few seconds, thinking about how happy Diana will be.

"It's amazing for her, huh?" Perrie asks, and I nod. It's not too fancy, and not to dull. And its definitely something she could wear multiple times. I pick out the one in her size and go to buy it.

While Perrie and I make our way to the car, we see quite a few girls running up the street. I know they're fans because when they spot us, they scream.

We both quickly jump in the car and our driver immediately takes us back home.

Perrie and I both enter the hotel, she goes to her and Zayns room, and I thank her again before heading to my room.

Just as I enter the room, my phone beeps.


Soundcheck in ten, mate.

I groaned and typed out a response, before writing a note to Diana.

Babe, I've picked up something for you to wear tonight. Im at soundcheck right now, but a car will be by later to pick up you and Perrie and bring you to the restaraunt, then its straight to the concert. And ps, Perrie helped pick out the dress. As much as I want to, I cant take all the credit, haha.

Love you, -Niall.

I set the paper in the bag and put it at the foot of the bed. I kissed her forehead and left the room to go to soundcheck.

Im really sorry updates take forever :( im always so busy around this time. And guys, this may be the last update until the end of august. Im going on vacation and i usually dont have wifi but hey, that means extra time to write. who's going to the wwa show on the 8th in boston? I am! Im so excited, its my first concert ever!

and btw the dress Niall bought Diana is on the side! love yooou. and please vote?(: its so quick and it helps my story get recongized. i really do appreciate it! thankssss!

Diana.... ( Niall Horan fanfic )Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora