Chapter 14| Infirmary

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I don't own Fairy Tail or any of its characters. Hiro Mashima does.

Warning: Swearing

~ Normal P.O.V ~

"What the hell do you mean by 'you can't tell us', Grandma?!" Jellal reprimands his grandmother Porlyusica.

Porlyusica, being her usual self of hating humans and other beings besides herself, clicked her tongue in annoyance before glaring at her grandson.

"You don't use that tone on me, human! I'm your grandmother!" She says before looking at the passed out Lucy on the schools infirmary bed.

Everyone in the gym saw how Lucy passed out and they immediately rushed to her aid and because Porlyusica was known as the best doctor in town, especially to wizards, they called her. They were all shocked when she quickly dropped the phone call and not some longer minutes after, she's there already.

Now, what makes them curious even more is the fact that she doesn't want to tell anyone about what's up with Lucy and why she lost her consciousness out of nowhere. Porlyusica turned to Levy.

"You were talking to her the moment she passed out, yeah?" She asks her.

Levy nodded before perking up, as if suddenly remembering something.

"A-ano, after she healed Loke, I noticed that she started looking pale. I was going to tell her but was interrupted and then later on, she began breathing heavily so I was about to ask her what's wrong when she said to hold my thought for a moment and that's when she began hyperventilating and lost consciousness." Levy elaborated making Porlyusica nod in thought. "Oh, and she was asking about my magic too but I didn't get to answer because... this happened."

"Thank you." Poryusica mumbled before looking at Lucy with sad eyes. This look went unnoticed by the others but not a certain someone.

"You know something." Natsu states out of nowhere, standing up. "What is it? Tell us!"

"Hey, man! That's my grandma you're talking to." Jellal stood up and faced him. "Chill out bro!"

Natsu glares at him, before gesturing to the old doctor, "She knows something Jellal! And she's not telling us! How could I just let that sit one out?! Lucy here passed out of the blue and you want me to 'chill out'?!" He shouts, frustrated.

"You're not the only one worried here, Natsu! We all are! But you shouting at my grandma isn't part of this! Leave her out of this!"

"How could I just leave her out, dumbass?! It's her job to tell us what's wrong with my Lucy! She's a doctor for goodness sake!" Natsu argued.

"And she's my grandmother for goodness sake too!"

Gray stood up to and got in between them before anything goes down.

"Okay, shut up! Everyone's worried here, alright?! Just shut the hell up for a moment and let's wait for Lucy to wake up. Maybe Porlyusica-san just want Lucy to wake up first before telling us." Gray said.

Gajeel stood up, arms crossed in front of his chest, "alright, that's enough you sissies. Lucy's waking up." He points out.

They all looked at Lucy to see her moving already, everyone rushed to her. Loke, being silent since the incident happened, looked at Lucy in confusion and froze. Levy went to Lucy's side as she began opening her eyes.

Lucy groans as the light hit her eyes. She closed her eyes again before opening it back up and saw everyone looking at her. She blinks.

"What the hell are you guys looking at?" She asks in confusion before sitting up, she furrowed her eyebrows, "why the hell am I in the infirmary?"

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