Chapter 40| Games

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~ Normal P.O.V ~

It was then that it is the first day of the games and everyone that wasn't eliminated or beat in the labyrinth are either feeling nervous or excited.

They are going to go against each other after all.

They want to prove which school is the best and win a large amount of money.

"Wahhh... I can't believe that we're last place." The salmon haired man whined.

"That wouldn't happen if you just sniffed the course out! You covered your nose the whole time!" A raven haired argued in an exasperated manner.

"That wouldn't happen if it weren't for you being smelly!" He pretends to take a sniff, "Urgh, gross!" He held his nose and turned away.

"Why you-"

"Natsu! Gray!" A redhead woman stopped the two, "shut up." She glared at them, sending shivers down their spines.

"Hai, Erza!"

"Look at those idiots, Wendy. Don't get yourself a guy like them alright?" Loke said to Wendy, "Get yourself a guy like me." He took a pose and winked at her.

Wendy blinked, "You're gay?" She asks in surprise, obviously messing with him.

"Wha- no! I said guy!"

"Ohoho, Loke's a gay?" Jellal butted in, catching on his sister's game.

They all snapped their heads towards the trio.

"Gay?" They asked in unison.

"No!!!" Loke whined.

"Awww! Loke's all grown up." Erza pouted.

"No, no, I'm not-" he sighed, "whatever, whatever." He slouchily walked his way forward. Wendy and Jellal looked and gave each other a high five.

On the other hand, while they were all having fun teasing the poor lion, Lucy and Zeref walked not so closely beside them. They were on the other side of the road and the group haven't noticed the two yet.

"Like I said, we should go grab at least four bucket of nuggets..." Lucy said.

"That's too many!" Zeref looked at her. "How come you eat too much and still remain this sexy?" He asked ever so casually.

Lucy refused to let the blush take over her soul and so she replied with a shrug, "Dunno."

Zeref smirked at her and draped his hand over her shoulders. She started feeling her heart beat faster, she looks up at him curiously.


"I'm the only one allowed to touch and see this body so I'll make sure that everyone would know that you're mine." He said before dipping his head down and leaving a soft kiss on her lips.

Lucy can't help but smile at that.

"Why so cute, Zeref." She teased.

"I'm not! I'm hot." He winked at her before nearing his head on her ear, "so damn hot."

Lucy clenched her fist as she feel goosebumps run all over her body. Hormones, hormones, keep it together. She said to herself

"I'm hungry." She said, trying to divert the topic elsewhere.

"Eat me." Zeref said, grinning.

"Zereeeeeeef~!" Lucy whined.

"Lucyyyyyyy~!" Zeref imitated.

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