Chapter 8| Brown

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I don't own Fairy Tail or any of its characters. Hiro Mashima does.

Warning: Swearing

~ Loke's P.O.V ~


Me and the gang shouted, scaring the living daylights out off Lucy as she jumped off her bed and fell on her butt on the cold wide floor.

"What the hell was that for?!" she shouted at us before standing up and raising her right hand and suddenly, we flew up to the other side of the room.


Up until now, I'm still curious about her magic.

She glared at us, hands on her hips. "It's Saturday for goodness sake!" she grumbles before looking out the window making her eyes widen before looking at the clock. "And it's freaking three in the morning!" She frustratingly shouted at us.


We all turned to look at him with a glare.

"This is all your fault." Me, Gray, Jellal and Gajeel put all the blame to the one and only idiot, Natsu.

It's true. Everything was his idea. He said that we should all start bonding first day in the morning just to make it up for all of his shits. Unfortunately, we forgot that he is an idiot. We didn't thought that he would take this all so seriously but even though he's like this, I'm glad that he's trying his best to make it up for us.

"Anyways, we're going shopping Lucy!" Natsu says, all enthusiastic and energized as he jumped to his feet. We followed suit and invaded her room casually.

We all groaned, already feeling Lucy's anger filling up her room.

"You wake me up in this time of hour to go shopping?!" She shrieked making him look at her with a questioning gaze.

"What about it?" Natsu, being the idiot he is, asked.

"I hate shopping." Lucy grumbles in distaste.

Natsu grinned, thinking that the frustrated Lucy we're seeing now is being the excited Lucy

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Natsu grinned, thinking that the frustrated Lucy we're seeing now is being the excited Lucy... Well, he thought wrong.

We all sighed. "He's hopeless." Jellal says from beside me as he shook his head.

"Hey!" And because of his dragon ears, he heard what Jellal said.

I dreaded the thought of shopping because of my condition but if that's the only thing that would at least make him and all of us happy, then, I guess, it wouldn't hurt. Plus, I have them to guide me when I got myself in trouble. That, and also because I want to be with Lucy.

"Are you okay?" She asks, breaking me out of my reverie as I didn't know that I was staring blankly at her dresser.

I blinked, "Oh uhh... Yeah." I say, quite unsurely.

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