Chapter 36| Mood Swings

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I don't own Fairy Tail or any of its characters. Hiro Mashima does.

• Sorry for the slow update guys. I'm running for our student government's councilor so, yeah, I'm kind of busy with all those works. And to all those readers whose asking me about my other fanfic, don't ya worry y'all, I will update it, with a lot of chapters but I'm planning on finishing this book first before making myself busy with that. Okay? I'm sorry if you guys were kind of, maybe, expecting that. I love you!!!❤️❤️❤️

On with the story...

Warning: Swearing

~ Lucy's P.O.V ~

"Wait..." Was the first thing that came out of my mouth just as I woke up and saw my surroundings. Everything I see is blurry though. "I don't feel so good." I muttered.

I tried sitting up but pain shot through my head and I felt nauseous. I slowly sat up and crawled my way towards what I think is the bathroom. I even thought that I heard the water running but I paid no heed to it as I vomit on the toilet.

I sighed in relief as my headache starts to go away.

"Oh, Lucy..." My eyes widen.

Please tell me he's not in the shower.

Please, please, please, oh please!

"You're awake." He said before opening the curtains and I shut my eyes close. "Relax, you can open them."

I slowly opened my eyes only to see him on his birthday suit. I covered my eyes with my hands and turn my head down.

"What the hell, Zeref!" I shouted at him as I tried burning the image mentally, only for it to resonate again.

Such perfect body...

I shook my head.

Stop it, Lucy! Snap out of it!

I heard him chuckle before I felt him, really felt him, move. How...?

"W-wait!" I call out.

"What? You wanna see it?" He asks.

"N-no, bastard. Why can I feel your movement?" I ask.

"What do you mean?"

With my eyes still closed, I removed my hands from covering my face and I turned my head to seem like I'm looking at him. I peeked a little before closing it again.

"I saw that." He teased.

"Whatever," I mutter, "go, uhm, make a movement." I instruct him and he did what I told him to do. "You wrapped a towel around your waist....?" I ask more than state because I'm not yet sure. I opened my eyes to see that he is, already clad in a towel. "See! I don't know how but... Yeah."

"Well, I guess we'll try and find that out later. I'll come up with an answer later on. Anything else?" He smirked at me, yet again.

I huffed as I fought a hard blush to resonate from my cheeks although my neck is already hot from the image earlier, his Greek God kind of body with his white towel wrapped around his waist is simply mesmerizing and sexy.

I turned around to leave him be but he held my arm, causing me to stop my movements. I turn my head to gaze at him with a curious expression only to be met by his serious one.

I gulped.

"What are you not telling me?" He asks.

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