Chapter 28| Choice

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I don't own Fairy Tail or any of its characters. Hiro Mashima does.

Warning: Swearing

~ Lucy's P.O.V ~

"So, what do I do?" I ask. All pumped up and feeling all the energy that's going to be needed as a magician.

It's our second day here already and the training began. I'm done with the meditation already, it's been 2 hours now. The others started their strength test and some stuffs awhile ago so they're on their meditating routine now.

"Nothing." Capricorn said to me.

My face fell. What? I blinked. "Nothing?"

He nods. "Nothing."

"Nothing?!" I ask incredulously, "What do you mean nothing?"

Now, let me tell you one thing. I'm feeling excited about it all. About the celestial thingy and he's telling me to do nothing?! Then what am I supposed to do?

Not only that but his kind smile never left his face! Who the hell does that?! As if he's not saying something so... ish.

"Being a celestial wizard isn't something that is rushed. Meh-ybe not now but the day will come and you will be a full pledged stellar meh-ge." He explained... to which I didn't get. Is it called an explanation when I didn't get it anyway? Yeah whatever.

"I don't get it." His way with words is confusing. I mean, yes, I know he's a goat but does he really need to do that 'meh' thing every now and then?

He sighs to himself before letting out a chuckle. "Miss Lucy, take a look at this caterpillar right here." He said, gesturing to the caterpillar who somehow managed to come between us and our training.

I looked at it, "What about it?" I ask.

"It's eating leaves so it will grow and turn into a beautiful butterfly." He said, crouching down and giving the caterpillar a leaf to which it ate.

"I know that..." I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.

"But it will take its time to nourish itself and wrap himself to a cocoon and transform into it." He elaborates before standing up and looking at me. "It's just like how you're going to be a celestial meh-ge. Time." He said. "You train, you get stronger. You practice, you get better."

I clicked my fingers in realization, "I get it now," I say, grinning. "Celestial mage is about like being a butterfly." I told him.

"..." He face palmed and groaned, "For a student with a straight A's, such as you, you sure are slow." He said, almost giving up.

I laughed out loud before patting him on the arm because I can't reach his shoulder. He's too tall and it would be awkward if I patted him there and look like a retarded pipsqueak of a duck.

"Relax, I'm just kidding." I snorted.

He looks at me. "Good to know."

"Come on, I'm hungry." I told him.

"I'll follow after." He replied, making me shrug.

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