Chapter 43| Graduation

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That the break was binding...


"Come on, Natsu. You're going to be late!" I shook him.

"Five more minutes." He groans and trashed around in his bed.

I sighed at his hopelessness before dragging the blankets away from his body. I gagged and glared at him, "You smell awful." I pinched the bridge of my nose as I stare at him. "Wake up! It's graduation day!"

"NATSU! WAKE UP!!!" Igneel slammed the door open inside his son's room.

I stepped aside as I watched him pull Natsu's feet and dragged him towards the bathroom. "Oi!!!! Stop it!! Let me go!!!" Natsu shouted at him.

"Not until you drag your ass away from that bed of yours!" Igneel told him and opened the shower, throwing Natsu inside the bath even with his clothes on.

I stifled a laugh at the sight of him glaring like a five year old. He's so cute.

"Would Lucy like it if you're not going to attend your graduation?" Igneel then said and before Natsu could even open his mouth to say something, "obviously not so go fix yourself!"

"What's there to fix? Lucy left me and broke her promise. I'm going to break our deal by not graduating too."

I sighed. You may have already guessed it right.

I'm a ghost now.

After realizing what Zeref's plan was all about on the last minute, I used all the energy left in me and controlled my own blood to form a stake. I utilized it to stab myself right across the chest because all my other friends won't do the favor.

And now, I'm stuck between the living and the spirit world because of what I did to myself. I'm all alone with nobody to see me or talk to me so I watched everyone slowly try to live their life and make stupid decisions too. It's like watching a drama.

They even gave me a beautiful tomb and placed it on the Heartfilia mansion along with my parents. I didn't know Lahar took care of my father when he died.

Everyone witnessed the death of the last Heartfilia and I didn't even get through the third day of the games. I was so afraid that Zeref would do something if I let him out that long and things just took turns differently.

He had us all fooled, heck, he had me fooled for thinking that my whole life has been a complete and utter failure when he also controlled everyone around him in their unconscious state of living to not actually think of what he has planted inside everyone's mind.

He knows that he couldn't kill me with his hands so he planted it inside my brain, the idea of planning our own death to kill him and his very plan worked.

He would take the risk of killing me too just so he would disappear in this world.

It was his very wish so he could stop the pain of living in misery for more than a century.

Natsu, however, changed as he tried to cope up with my death. He never left this house and I find myself taking care of him while he's asleep or not aware of hi surroundings. Of course, I know it would be bad. He can't see me nor feel me and I know that it pains him. Even if I try to slap him, he still can't feel it.

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