Chapter 29| Why

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I don't own Fairy Tail or any of its characters. Hiro Mashima does.

Warning: Swearing

~ Lucy's P.O.V ~

"Luce... wake up."

Groan. Turn. Snore.

"Kring kring!!"

Groan. Turn. Snore.

"Come on, Lusheee~!"

Groan. Turn. Snore,

"Wake up, sleeping beauty~"

Groan. Turn. Snore.

Just then, my eyes flew open as I felt something soft on my lips.

He pulled away and looked at me. He chuckled. "Didn't know that'll work. I guess, we do live a life like a fairytale."

"Natsu..." My eyes narrowed as I looked at him. "Did you just did what I think you did?" I ask him, now wide awake and sitting up.

If there's one thing I'm not expecting to wake up is by him doing that. What can't he understand by groaning, turning and snoring?! Not only that but he kissed me!

"Yep." He nodded. As if he's proud of what he just did.

My fist flew to his face, right on his nose causing him to fall back and groan in pain.

"Don't. Talk. To. Me." I said through gritted teeth, almost spelling it out to him.

I stood up on my sitting position and left my tent.

"No, wait! Lucy!" He called after me but I ignored him.

I don't even know why I'm feeling like this. All I know is that my body's aching right now.

"Good morning, Lucy-chan~!" Loke greeted me as they all get ready for breakfast.

Clad in my pjs, I gave him a half smile before grabbing some bottled water on the container they prepared. I gurgled and spit it out, sighing. Why am I so irritated right now?!

I want to shout! I fell down on my knees and started crying. I cradled myself into a ball and broke down for absolutely no reason.

"Lucy? Lucy, what happened?!" A frantic Jellal approached me as I lift my head up to see him. His eyes widen in alarm when he saw me tear stained face. "Are you alright?! What happened?!"

I shook my head. "I don't know!" I cried even more, latching myself to him and banging my head on his shoulder.

"Uhm..." I felt him stiffen from my touch but I don't care. Maybe's he was surprised? I don't know. What the fuck's going on?

He patted my back awkwardly. I turned my head to his neck and smelt his amazing smell. I pulled away almost immediately and looked at him in the eyes.

"Lucy?" He asks.

I clenched my jaw and growled.

"Lucy ahaha you're scaring me. You okay?" He examined my face before his eyes widen. "Oh shit you have fangs! And red eyes! What the... Lucy! Guys!!!" He started shouting but I put a finger on his lips to shush him.

My eyes are cloudy and I can't really see him clearly. "Shhh," I smirked before sniffing him again and sighing in delight, "you smell good, Jellal." I whispered on his ear before kissing it.

I felt him shiver as I sit on his lap.

"L-Lucy?" "Am I dreaming?"

I blinked. What? Did I just heard him say that? Was that him? I tilted my head back and looked at him.

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