When your friend says that literally anyone can be an asexual. Like, HOW? 'Cause I would love to not be an asexual and feel like I'm not attracted to them that way.Seriously? I didn't chose this. No one chose this. That's like saying you chose to be straight or gay or something. This was not a choice.
"Anyone can live without sex."
And you're right. But people feel the NEED or WANT to have sex and that desire. That's what makes you not an asexual. That's what makes you be you, and me be me.
"You're going to miss out."
Yeah? Well, I'm also going to miss out on the latest Supernatural episode. Sex or Supernatural? SUPERNATURAL. No doubt. There's nothing to miss out on. In my opinion, I'd rather stay away from those things. I wouldn't give two fucks about it, literally.