So I've been looking back at my ace book right at the beginning of the book and it's been over two years! As of August 1st, today, it's been completely two years and twenty-something days as I started on July 17th. I'm too lazy to do the math.
That's exciting! Through this entire two years of writing this, I'm accomplished a lot with this book. I've helped so many of you out as you all continue to read this and stay for so long. We've all been through so much within the years and have gotten so far to figuring ourselves out and accepting ourselves for who we are.
I just appreciate all of you for reading my ace book. This is just the beginning, as I will continue writing about asexuality sharing stories, answering questions, and becoming a guidance to those who are in need.
I love you all and may many blessings come your way 💖💖💖
Thank you for reading! I'm always here for you guys! I'll always be a friend to you and if you need anything or want someone to listen to whatever you want to talk about, I am here. I care. No seriously, I'm a severe empath so I care about people even I don't know them.So due to my two year anniversary... well, past that really, I'm going to formally... do nothing.
Just kidding! (Am I though?)
I love you all. I appreciate every single one of you. You don't know how much this means to me to have gotten so far. I couldn't have done this without you. Because of all of you, I wouldn't have gotten so far as I would've today. You inspire me to continue, just as I inspire you to love yourself and know that you are accepted and loved. I may not know you personally, but you're apart of this just as much as me. We've done it. And we will continue to do it and make our life worth living on to something greater. We are warriors! We can accomplish anything. I know you can do it. We all can. I have faith in all of you. I believe in you, so you should believe yourself too. You're important and worth more than diamonds, sweethearts.
Thank you for reading and continue on my aces! I give my love and wish you all the very best with whatever you chose do you with your life. Rock on my angels!