How come whenever something really bad happens or intense where someone should actually worry or be scared, I'm the most calmest person?For example:
My best friend at the time was swinging on her "dancing" pole and her boyfriend (ex now) was watching her standing idly by, and the next thing you know, she swung too hard and the pole falls off and hits on directly on the head. He falls over, bleeding from his head. She's freaking out and I'm just making a run to her parents to tell them what happened, telling them in a very calmly manner "Hey, Ally's pole fell on her bf's head and he's bleeding. We might have to take him to the hospital." He got three stitches.I still laugh about it to this day. It was pretty funny while writing it thinking how funny it actually was.
But that's one out of many. That's the only one that's at the top of my head right now. Out of many other traumatic life events, that I've shared, it's strange. Things don't affect me like they should.
I could be kidnapped with a gun at my head and I'd be like... whatcha waiting for? Got something to say? Oh wait, you got some Cheeto dust on your cheek right there... BLAM! Dead. And I'd be fine with that.
Am I okay?
I have no idea.
I haven't been on here in a while. HELLO!
I've been busy writing other stories. If you've noticed or not... I posted a whole new book on here from a series I've been working on. Did something else too, but it's pretty dramatic and only so much of it is posted.
But anyways, back to the point.
I feel like I just don't get phased anymore. I could be robbed at my job, and I'd only be upset if this would count against my paycheck.
But if anyone else gets hurt, it's game over for those suckers.
It's weird. It's fine if it's me who gets hurt or gets the blame, it doesn't bother me. I'd rather it be me, but if you're going to target a person who I don't even know??? It could be a complete STRANGER!
I'm throwing hands.
You don't fricken lay a hand on them. I will fight. I don't look like I can, I may not be able to put you in your place, but by God's strength I will be sure enough to let you know where that's gonna lead you.
Got that?
Okay, thanks.
Have a blessed day ~ ♥️