"Can I just say, uh, I'm pretty sure noticing you're asexual is harder than noticing you're any other sexual orientation, based on my personal experience and the numerous accounts I've heard from people of other sexualities. Like, I just read someone's desciption of hitting puberty and, like, there's nothing like that. There's no sudden 'boob' moment as they described, no sudden 'fuck, I'd fuck that' moment that my friends have described, not sudden anything. You just, like, plod on through life as usual going 'oooh, that's pretty, I'd like that hair' or 'oooooh, they're nice, I'd like to be close to them' but there's no like, 'oh, someone would want to fuck that' or 'oh, that's so damn sexy', you know? You just- you don't notice, you don't realise everyone else has 'had a moment' but you haven't, you just- keep going as you always have.And then, much much later, you start to wonder why people are getting so caught up in drama for romance or sex, like, why bother? It's not worth it, they're not worth it, why are you doing stupid things for something that's just so- and then you wonder if there's something wrong with you, start mentally over compensating. Like 'uh, okay, um, who should I date? Who can I stand to date? Who could I stand to fuck?' like- it's not, it's not something you want, but you want to fit it, to be normal.
Sometimes you don't even know that you're doing it.
Sometimes you don't even know asexual's a thing.
I dunno, I guess, I just feel like, uh, people should understand more?
idk sorry thank you for listening to me